
作    者:符颖,韩林
单    位:中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源管理学院
摘    要:

Drowned Unconformity Sequence: A Special Type of Deepened Submerge Sequence Interface

Author's Name: Fu Ying, Han sin
Institution: Institute of Earth Sciences and Natural Resource, China University of Geosciences
Drowned unconformity sequence is marked by a sequence interface on which a condensed section (CS) directly covers, which means a “CS+HST” type. It is distinguished with Type-Ⅰand Type-Ⅱsequence interfaces defined by sequence stratigraphy due to no evidence of exposure so that it becomes a special third-order carbonate cyclic sequence interface. Through the description of features, the introduction of identification methods and the analysis of examples, it is explained that the drowned unconformity sequence is a special type of stratigraphic cyclic sequence, that is the "deepened submerge sequence inter-face", which plays an important action in hydrocarbon migration.
Keywords: Drowned unconformity sequence; Sequence interface; Sequence stratigraphy; Condensed section; Hydrocarbon migration
投稿时间: 2007-04-04  