
作    者:刘建新,孙勤华,王锦喜,姚清洲
单    位:中国石油勘探开发研究院西北分院
摘    要:
塔北地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩裂缝型储层的地震反射特征总体表现为弱振幅,常 用技术难以预测。通过预测技术优选发现相关分量P1属性能够较好地预测这类储层。应用该属性分别对塔北英买2 井区奥陶系一间房组、轮古7井区奥陶系鹰山组以及轮古东地区奥陶系良里塔格组的弱振幅反射的裂缝型储层进行了预测,结果与实钻有较高的吻合率。

Technique Optimum of Prediction to Fractured Reservoirs: An Example of Ordovician Fractured Reservoir in Tabei Region, Tarim Basin

Author's Name: Liu Jianxin, Sun Qinhua, Wang Jinxi, Yao Qingzhou
Institution: PetroChina Northwest Branch of RIPED
Seismic response of Ordovician fractured carbonate reservoir shows generally weak amplitude in Tabei region so that it is difficult to predict precise distributing location of the reservoir by conventional prediction technique. Optimum of prediction techniques has shown that the optimized seismic attribute of P1 correlation component can predict fractured reservoir more accurately. The seismic attribute of P1 is applied to predict the distribution of the fractured reservoirs with weak amplitudes at the Ordovician Yijianfang Formation in Well YM2 filed, the Ordovician Yingshang Formation in Well LG7 filed and the Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in Lungudong field, which shows the predicted results coincident well with the actual drilled ones.
Keywords: Fractured reservoir, Characteristics of seismic reflection; Weak amplitude; Reservoir prediction; Optimum of prediction technique; Tabei
投稿时间: 2010-01-25  