
作    者:张银国1,2,葛和平3,杨艳秋1,2,梁杰1,2
单    位:1 国土资源部海洋油气资源与环境地质重点实验室; 2 国土资源部青岛海洋地质研究所;3 中海石油(中国)有限公司上海分公司
摘    要:
依据层序界面及湖/海泛面的钻井、测井、古生物和地震特征,将丽水凹陷古新统划分为4 个三级层序,分别对应于湖相沉积月桂峰组(SQⅢ1)和海相沉积下灵峰组(SQⅢ2)、上灵峰组(SQⅢ3)、明月峰组(SQⅢ4)。通过层序的综 合分析对比,认为古新统层序发育的主控因素是构造沉降和构造格架、海平面变化及沉积物源补给,它们对本区的沉积充填样式具有较强的影响,而气候条件的影响表现较弱。

Division and Controlling Factors of Paleocene Sequence Strata in Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

Author's Name: Zhang Yinguo, Ge Heping, Yang Yanqiu, Liang Jie Zhang Yinguo, Ge Heping, Yang Yanqiu, Liang Jie
Institution: Key Laboratory of Marine Petroleum Resources and Environmental Geology, China National Ministry of Landand Resources
According to the features of sequence boundary surfaces combined with drilling, logging, and seismic data. four 3rd sequences can be divided in the Palaeocene strata in Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin, which are corresponded respectively to lacustrine Yueguifeng (SQⅢ1) and marine Lower Lingfeng(SQⅢ2), Upper Lingfeng(SQⅢ3) and Mingyuefeng(SQⅢ4). Integrated analysis and comparison of the sequence have shown that the development of Palaeocene sequence mainly depends on tectonic subsidence and framework, sea -level change and sediment supply which directly influence on the styles of sediment filling in this region while the development of sequence is weakly influenced by climatic condition.
Keywords: Paleocene; Sequence stratigraphy; Sequence division; Sedimentary cycle; Controlling factor; Lishui Sag;East China Sea Shelf Basin
投稿时间: 2011-12-09  