
作    者:邓兴梁1,刘俊锋1,裴广平1,李保华1,翟姝玲1,常少英2,高翔1,王霞1
单    位:1 中国石油塔里木油田公司勘探开发研究院;2 中国石油杭州地质研究院
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目叶缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏溶洞参数识别方法研究曳(编号: 51074176)资助
摘    要:
对于已进入开发中后期的碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏,进行缝洞单元精细研究非常重要。盲目部署加密井,很容易导致因为所在单元的储量已被动用而失利。本文采用的碳酸盐岩缝洞单元多学科综合划分方法是:在有井控制的地区,首先 分析井间连通性,然后结合生产动态、常规解析试井、流体性质、数值试井等多学科资料确定缝洞单元边界;在无井控制的地区,影响连通性最重要的主控因素是储层本身的相互连通性,其次才是断裂和裂缝,这时可在连通性约束下进行储层和裂缝预测,并以此为主要依据确定缝洞单元边界。对塔里木盆地轮古油气田轮古11 井区划分出80个缝洞单元,其中有55个为储量未动用单元(潜力单元),并部署了一些加密井,已钻的XW1井获得了成功,投产初期日产油95t,不含水。

Research on Multi-subject Integrated Division of Fracture and Cave Units in Carbonate Reservoirs: A Case of Well LG-11 Area in Lungu Oil Field, Tarim Basin

Author's Name: Deng Xingliang, Liu Junfeng, Pei Guangping, Li Baohua,Zhai Shuling, Chang Shaoying, Gao Xiang, Wang Xia
Institution: Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company
It is important for the fractured and caved carbonate oil and gas reservoirs during the middle –late development period to study fracture-cave units in detail. Such blind deployment as infilling wells will be likely to lead to defeat because of having used the petroleum reserves in fracture-cave units. A method of multi-subject integrated division of fracture -cave units is proposed to determine the boundaries of fracture -cave units for the carbonate reservoirs in well areas and no well areas. This method is applied in Well LG 11 area of Lungu Oil Field where 80 fracture-cave units are divided, among which 55 units are reserves -unused (potential units). Some infill wells are deployed in this area, in which the drilled Well WX-1 is succeeded and yields 95t of oil per day, without water.
Keywords: Carbonate oil reservoirs; Fracture and cave unit; Integrated research; Lungu Oil Field; Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2012-08-27  