莺歌海盆地东方A气田莺歌海组二段 沉积新认识:海底扇浊积席状砂

作    者:岳绍飞,张 辉,王庆帅,成 涛,李 佳,陈晓武, 秦 莎
单    位:(中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司)
基金项目:本文受中国海洋石油总公司科技项目“海上大型砂岩气藏开发中后期综合治理及开发策略研究” 等资助
摘    要:

Turbidite Sand: A New View on Sedimentary Facies of Pliocene Zhujiang Member-2 in DF-A Gas Field, Yinggehai Basin

Author's Name: Yue Shaofei, Zhang Hui, Wang Qingshuai, Cheng Tao, Li Jia, Chen Xiaowu, Qin Sha
Institution: Zhanjiang Branch Company of CNOOC Ltd.
The depositional model of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation in DF-A gas field of Yinggehai Basin is controversial. Based on the comprehensive analysis of well core, logging data, and seismic multi-attributes, three sedimentary microfacies developed during Yinggehai Member-2 are turbidite sand, foreshore dam, and offshore mud. Controlled by the slope break of the basin and the occurrence of diapir during the depositional period, there developed sheet-like turbidite sand mainly in Ⅲ and Ⅱ gas group which derived from the western sea fan, and developed foreshore dam deposition mainly inⅠ gas group, and developed offshore mud widely in each gas group. This recognition of turbidite sand in Yinggehai Member-2, which changed the pattern of the foreshore dam derived from the eastern Hainan Island, have played an effective role in the later development and adjustment.
Keywords: Sedimentary facies; Turbidite sand; Yinggehai Formation; Pliocene; Yinggehai Basin
投稿时间: 2015-12-29  