
作    者:斯尚华1,2, 陈红汉2, 袁丙龙3, 雷明珠3, 陈 杨3
单    位:(1 西安石油大学地球科学与工程学院; 2 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院; 3 中海油湛江分公司)
摘    要:
关键词:塔里木盆地; 麦盖提斜坡; 巴什托构造带; 石炭系; 原油包裹体; 荧光光谱; 红绿熵; 油气充注幕次

Identification of Hydrocarbon Charging Events by Using Fluorescence Spectrum Multiparameter of Oil Inclusions: A Case Study of Carboniferous in Bashituo Structural Belt of Markit Slope of Tarim Basin

Author's Name: Si Shanghua, Chen Honghan, Yuan Binglong, Lei Mingzhu, Chenyang
Institution: Petroleum University,Xi'an
Take the Carboniferous hydrocarbon accumulation of Bashituo structure belt of Markit slope in Tarim Basin as an example, it is identified four kinds of oil inclusions which developed in Carboniferous reservoir with different fluorescent color, from yellow, yellow-green to blue-green and blue-white. It is shown that the grade of maturity of oil charging in the oil inclusions is gradually increased. The property parameters of main peak wavelength λmax, red-green entropy Q and QF535 were calculated by using the fluorescence spectra of crude oil inclusions. Based on the characteristics of four different types of correlation relationship between λmax and QF535 , it is concluded that the Carboniferous reservoir has experienced four stages of hydrocarbon charging in the geological history, and it also reflected the four stages of oil charging with different thermal evolution according to the homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions. It is inferred that the late Hercynian is the important hydrocarbon accumulation stage in Bashituo structure belt.
Keywords: Carboniferous; Oil inclusion; Fluorescence spectra; Red-green entropy; Hydrocarbon charging event; Bashituo structural belt; Markit slope; Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2017-06-07  