
作    者:于京都, 郑 民, 张 蔚
单    位:中国石油勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
油气资源勘探结果揭示了耐高温石油的存在,但是根据传统理论难以实现对油气资源赋存极限深度的准确判断及预测。因此有必要探讨含烃类混合物在埋藏条件下作为液相稳定赋存的极限深度的合理取值。根据含烃类混合物最终演化为甲烷的地层温度和临界凝析温度,建立以地层温度为300 ℃、临界凝析温度为-82.55 ℃的地质温度约束条件,以及地层温度与临界凝析温度相等为取值条件的液相稳定赋存极限地层温度判识标志,通过对理论案例中不同期次含烃类混合物对应地层温度与临界凝析温度交会点的分析表明:液相稳定赋存极限地层温度为220.82 ℃,对应的埋深为5 061.32 m。对不同期次含烃类混合物地层温度与临界凝析温度交会点的分布特征,及其与极限地层温度判识标志间的关系,可划分为收敛、截交、发散和杂乱等4种类型,它们分别对应不同的地质意义与极限温度判识流程。以句容凹陷容3井下二叠统烃类流体为分析实例,预测极限温度为192.91 ℃,对应深度为5 763.58 m,预测结果与研究区耐高温石油的分布范围一致。因此,基于组分检测与相态模拟的含烃类混合物赋存深度下限预测技术具有较好的方法合理性与适用性。
关键词:含烃类混合物; 组分特征; 相态模拟; 液相赋存; 极限温度; 极限深度

Prediction method and its application of the limit depth of hydrocarbon as stable liquid phase based on component detection and phase state simulation

Author's Name: YU Jingdu, ZHENG Min, ZHANG Wei
Institution: PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development
The petroleum exploration results reveal the existence of high temperature oil, but it is difficult to accurately judge and predict the ultimate depth of oil resources according to the traditional theory. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to get the reasonable value of the limit depth of hydrocarbon mixture as stable liquid phase under the burial condition. According to the formation temperature and critical condensate temperature of methane as the final evolution of hydrocarbon, the geological temperature constraint condition with the formation temperature of 300 ℃ and critical condensate temperature of -82.55 ℃ is established, as well as the identification mark of the limit formation temperature of liquid phase with condition of the formation temperature equalling to the critical condensate temperature. The analysis of the intersection point of formation temperature and critical condensate temperature shows that the limit formation temperature for the stable occurrence of liquid phase of methane is 220.82 ℃, and the corresponding buried depth is 5061.32m. For the distribution characteristics of intersection points of formation temperature and critical condensate temperature of hydrocarbon mixture in different periods and the relationship between them and the identification mark of limit formation temperature, it can be divided into four types: convergence, intersection, divergence and disorder, corresponding to different geological meanings and identification processes of limit temperature. Taking the Permian hydrocarbon fluid of well Rong 3 in Jurong Sag as an example, the predicted limit temperature is 192.91 ℃, and the corresponding depth is 5 763.58 m, which is consistent with the distribution range of high temperature oil in the study area. Therefore, the prediction method of the limit depth of hydrocarbon mixture as stable liquid phase based on component detection and phase state simulation is reasonable and applicable.
Keywords: hydrocarbon mixture; hydrocarbon component; phase simulation;occurrence in liquid phase; limit temperature; limit depth
投稿时间: 2019-09-30  