微生物地球化学探测技术在巴彦呼舒断陷 油气勘探中的应用

作    者:王江1, 王雪峰1, 赵传军2, 陈鸿平1, 王杰1
单    位:1 中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司勘探开发研究院;2 中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司井下作业分公司
摘    要:
海拉尔盆地西部断陷带巴彦呼舒断陷具有多期复杂的构造建造和改造特征,形成了各种成因的断块、断鼻 构造,以及不同类型的油气成藏模式。为了预测有利目标区的含油气性、识别油气藏的分布范围及油气性质,提高复 杂断陷的油气探井成功率,基于轻烃微渗漏理论,应用微生物地球化学探测技术,包括微生物快速检测(MQS)、微生 物油气检测(MOST)以及土壤酸解吸附烃油气检测(SSG)等石油地球化学和微生物学方法,开展勘探有利目标区之 上地表表层的微生物值变化和酸解吸附烃异常的直接检测。研究表明微生物异常分布与已知含油气区、含油气井的 对应关系良好,验证微生物地球化学探测技术在巴彦呼舒断陷具有较好的适用性和可靠性。通过MOST+SSG技术组 合进一步确定有利异常区,认为巴彦呼舒断陷西部陡坡带是油气长期优势聚集区,微渗漏强度大。指出西部陡坡带 的2 个鼻状构造是下一步油气增储的有利地区。

Application of microbial-geochemical detection technology in oil and gas exploration in Bayanhushuu fault depression

Author's Name: WANG Jiang1,WANG Xuefeng1,ZHAO Chuanjun2, CHEN Hongping1,WANG Jie1
In view of the multi-stage construction and reconstruction of complex structure of Bayanhushuu fault depression in the western fault depression of Hailaer Basin, there are not only various fault blocks and nosing structures of various origin, but also different types of hydrocarbon accumulation modes. In order to improve the success rate of oil and gas exploration in complex fault depression, based on the theory of light hydrocarbon microleakage, microbial-geochemical detection technologies, including Microbial Quick-Screen (MQS) , Microbial Oil Survey Technique (MOST) and Sorbed Soil Gas (SSG) dection are applied to directly detect the change of microbial value and acid desorption hydrocarbon anomaly on the surface of the favorable exploration target area, predict the oil and gas properties of the underlying favorable target area, and identify the distribution range and oil and gas properties of the oil and gas reservoirs. The results show that there is a good correlation between the distribution of microbial anomalies and the known oil and gas areas and oil and gas wells, which indicates that the microbial-geochemical detection technology has good applicability and reliability in the Bayanhushuu fault depression of Hailaer Basin. The MOST+SSG technology combination is applied to further identify the favorable anomaly area, and it is considered that the western steep slope of Bayanhushuu fault depression is a long-term oil and gas advantageous accumulation area with large microleakage intensity. It is pointed out that the two nosing structures in the western steep slope belt are favorable areas for further oil and gas accumulation.
投稿时间: 2024-07-09  