Author's Name: GU Mingfeng 1 , DONG Jinghai 2 , FU Xiaodong 1 , YING Yushuang 2 ,
1 , TIAN Xingwang 3 , ZHU Kedan 1 , YE Mao 3 ,
ZHU Xinjian 1 , LI Wenzheng 1 , ZHANG Jianyong 1 |
Since the 1980s, the porous dolomite reservoir of Huanglong Formation of Carboniferous in Sichuan Basin has
been an important exploration object and a key production layer in the east Sichuan Basin. With the gradual increase of
reserves utilization, it is urgent need for discovery and replacement of new reserves. In recent years, with the addition of
high-quality seismic data, combined with drilling and outcrop data, comprehensive geological analysis of Carboniferous
strata, Silurian hydrocarbon sources and reservoir-forming conditions on the western side of Huaying Mountain has been
made, and three main understandings have been obtained: (1) Carboniferous strata are distributed in a large area on the
western side of Huaying Mountain. The favorable area of carbonate rocks is over 8 000 km 2 , and the predicted thickness is
up to 40 m, which provides stratigraphic and sedimentary basis for the formation of large-scale reservoirs. (2) Pingchang-
Bazhong and Guang ' an-Quxian large trap groups with a total area of 5 460 km 2 are developed under the control of paleo-
uplift slope belt, stratigraphic denudation belt and fault belt, which have favorable conditions for large-scale reservoir
formation; (3) The Pingchang-Bazhong trap development area, if the Carboniferous reservoir is developed, has good gas
source conditions, well-developed structural traps, and favorable accumulation combination of lower sources and upper
reservoirs, so it is a favorable area to explore for large-scale natural gas reserves. |