
作    者:苏中堂1,陈洪德1,徐粉燕2,金学强3
单    位:1成都理工大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室; 2 四川省核工业辐射测试防护院;3 宁夏国土资源调查监测院
摘    要:
对鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统马家沟组野外剖面、钻井岩心和铸体薄片的观察以及地球化学分析及岩石物性测试,马家沟组白云岩可分为泥微晶白云岩、晶粒白云岩和溶蚀残余白云岩三大类。泥微晶白云岩常有石膏伴生,Sr 含量较高,其稀土配分模式及δ13C分布区间等特征与本区的泥微晶灰岩相似,包裹体均一温度接近地表温度,为近地表与海水相关流体准同生白云石化。晶粒白云岩的伴生矿物少,Sr 含量低,其稀土配分模式及δ13C 分布区间与本区的泥微晶灰岩相近,包裹体均一温度较高,为与海水相关流体埋藏白云石化。溶蚀残余白云岩为前两类白云岩受后期大气淡水改造而成。晶间孔、晶间溶孔、溶孔为马家沟组白云岩的主要储集空间。泥微晶白云岩的孔隙度、渗透率均较低,难构成储层;晶粒白云岩的孔隙度和渗透率较高,可成为良好储层;而溶蚀残余白云岩具高孔高渗特征,为优质储集岩类。盆地中东部、东南部、南部及天环地区是白云岩型储层勘探的重点区域。

Genesis and Reservoir Property of Lower Ordovician Majiagou Dolostones in Ordos Basin

Author's Name: Su Zhongtang, Chen Hongde, Xu Fenyan, Jin Xueqiang
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University of Technology
Based on the observation of outcrop profiles, well cores and thin sections, combining with the analysis of geochemistry and petrophysics, the Lower Ordovician Majigou dolostones in Ordos Basin can be divided into dolomicrite, crystalline dolostone and dissolution dolostone. The dolomicrite is characterized by accompanying gypsum, high content of Sr and similar REE distribution pattern and δ13C distribution range to the micrite in place. The homogenization temperature of inclusions is approximate to that of earth’s surface, which implies penecontemporaneous dolomitization by fluid relating with surface-closing water or sea water. The crystalline dolostone is characterized by seldom accompanying gypsum, low content of Sr, and similar REE distribution pattern and δ13C distribution range to the micrite. The homogenization tempetrature of inclusions is high, which indicates that crystalline dolostone forms from burial dolomitisation by fluid relating with sea water. The dissolution dolostone are formed from the former two kinds of dolostones by atmospheric water. Intercrystalline pores and intercrystalline solution pores and dissolution pores are common reservoir space in Majiagou dolostone. Because of low porosity and permeability, the dolomicrite is hard to be reservoir rock while contributing to hight porosity and permeability, the crystalline dolostone can be good reservoir rock. The dissolution dolostone displays higher porosity and permeability so it can be excellent reservoir rock. It is suggested that the dolomite reservoirs being of exploration potential are in the central to eastern, southeastern and southern parts of Ordos Basin as well as Tianhuan area.
Keywords: Middle Ordovician; Majiagou Formation; Dolostone reservoir; Classification of dolostone; Genesis of dolostone; Geochemistry characteristics; Reservoir property; Ordos Basin
投稿时间: 2012-05-16  