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Journal Introduction


Journal Positioning:

Marine Origin Petroleum Geology is the only academic journal in China that comprehensively reports and introduces new theories, new methods and new technologies in marine oil and gas geology and exploration research. It is one of the important scientific and technological journals in China's energy and geological circles. 


Purpose of publication:           

Report the progress of marine oil and gas geological exploration theory, technology and method, lead the marine oil and gas geological research, promote China's marine oil and gas exploration, and serve the development of China's oil and gas industry.           


Main Columns:           

Overview and Comments; Basin and Structure; Discussion and Searching; Sedimentation and Reservoir; Hydrocarbon Accumulation; Exploration Cases; Exploration Evaluation; Exploration Technology; Development Geology; Petroleum Engineering; Special Column


Key Points of the Report:

(1) Suggestions and ideas on policies, research directions, exploration targets, and technical methods for marine oil and gas geology and exploration
(2) Prospect analysis of petroliferous basins in marine stratigraphic areas, evaluation and optimization of oil and gas resources and exploration blocks
(3) The characteristics and evolution of geological structures and petroliferous basins in marine stratigraphic areas
(4) Mechanisms and models of hydrocarbon genesis, evolution, and accumulation in marine strata
(5) Application of technical methods such as sequence stratigraphy, basin analysis, geophysics, geochemistry, and computer simulation in marine geological exploration
(6) Academic debate on the significant and divergent topics in the theory and practice of marine oil and gas geology
(7) Theory and progress of marine oil and gas geological exploration at home and abroad
(8) Examples of typical marine oil and gas fields
(9) Innovative theories and technological methods from other fields that can be referenced in the marine domain


Year of Start Publication:           



Journal Nature:           

Bimonthly, 16 folio, 112 pages / issue, full color printing          



China National Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.          



Hangzhou Institute of Petroleum Geology, Ltd., CNPC     



XIONG Xianghua          



Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database

Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database

China Science Citation Database

Chinese Journal Full-text Database

China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Citation Database

Petroleum Abstracts (PA) (USA)

Database of Japan Science and Technology Agency