
作    者:付立新,杨池银,肖敦清
单    位:中国石油天然气股份有限公司大港油田分公司勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
关键词:奥陶纪;碳酸盐岩储层;古潜山油气藏;裂缝性油气藏;油气藏成因;油气藏类型; 千米桥油气田

Controls of Carbonate Reservoir Diagenesis on Hydrocarbon Distribution in Qianmiqiao Buried-hill Reservoirs, Bohaiwan Basin

Author's Name: Fu Lixin, Yang Chiyin, Xiao Dunqing
Institution: Oil Exploration and Development Institute of Dagang Oil Company, PetroChina
Qianmiqiao Oil Field consists of Ordovician carbonate buried-hill reservoirs that lie under Beidagang Belt in Huanghua Depression. The buried hill experienced a complex uplifted and buried history due to multiple faulting and/or folding deformations during Mesozoic to Cenozoic eras so that the reservoirs,in which different kind of anisotropy pore spaces formed by fracturing, karstification and cementation, was in control of late hydrocarbon migration and emplace-ment. By analysis of diagenesis process of carbonate reservoirs,it is suggested that effective pore spaces in the buried hill are fractures that formed by deformation and meteoric karstification during Mesozoic intensive deformation stage and then complicated by selective solution and cementation during Tertiary buried stage, which strongly reshaped reservoir textures and dismembered seepage flow units so as to cause disconnected spaces for fluid flow. Fracture-pore system and hydro-carbon-supplying “windows” may co-affect the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation net, and further predominate distribution of hydrocarbon in the buried hill reservoirs. It is proposed that Qianmiqiao Field is of the fractured reservoirs controlled by carbonate diagenesis but not of block reservoirs controlled by connective karst pores.
Keywords: Ordovician; Carbonate reservoir; buried-hill reservoir; Fractured reservoir; Origin of reservoir; Type of reser-voir; Qianmiiqiao buried-hill Oil Field; Bohaiwan Basin
投稿时间: 2006-12-28  