The tectonic evolution process of buried hills in Raoyang Sag, Bohaiwan Basin, is recovered by equilibrium profile method. According to the periods of buried hill formation, burial and shaping, combined with evolution history of them, these buried hills can be divided into five types of evolution models: (1)early formation, later burial and later shaping, or Type E-L-L; (2)early formation, later burial and early shaping (Type E-L-E);(3)early formation, early burial and later shaping (Type E-E-L); (4)early formation, early burial and early shaping (Type E-L-E);and (5)later formation, early burial and later shaping (Type L-E-L). By analyzing the formation periods, the experiencing burial time, the early or later shaping, it is believed that the first Type E-L-L of buried hill (belt) is the most favourable to hydrocarbon accumulation. |