
作    者:支家生
单    位:中国石油杭州地质研究院
摘    要:

Brief Case Discussion on Relationship of Hydrocarbon in Basins to Orogenic Belts

Author's Name: Zhi Jiasheng
Institution: HIPG PetroChina
The predecessors of craton basins are usually ancient hard land masses while the predecessors of some huge orogenic belts are deep seas. Natural gas hydrate that can form in deep seas may play a cap role to the underlaying free gas and hydrocarbon, which may leads to migration of them to the neighbour high platforms. Therefore, it is deduced that there would be some intrinsic relationship between hydrocarbon resource in basins and the source rocks in current orogenic belts. A great many source rocks that are affirmed to be excellent in the world, such as the Devonian Woodford shales in Rocky Mountain region (North American), the source rocks in Ural Mountain region (Russia) and in Zagros mountains (the Middle East), have an active contribution to oil and gas reserves. The problem that the oil and gas reserves in Sichuan and Tarim basins in China do not match in amount with the hydrocarbon generated from the source rocks in these basins can be resolved by the answer that the hydrocarbon would be provided from the orogenic belts (i.e. the primary paleo-ocean regions). It is suggested that an attention should be paid for us to the important contribution of source rocks in orogenic belts to oil and gas reserves in craton basins.
Keywords: Orogenic belt; Craton basin; Source rock; Hydrocarbon resource
投稿时间: 2009-08-17  