
作    者:任康绪,肖中尧,张丽娟,黄智斌,吴金才,马志远
单    位:中国石油塔里木油田公司勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
基于塔里木盆地典型露头剖面及钻揭地层的系统研究,建立了各区块志留系层序地层基准剖面。志留系可划分出SQ1—SQ5五个层序,不同地区因残留程度不同而层序划分有所差别。志留系层序边界除SB1全盆易于追踪外,其他均不易追踪。根据地震相响应特征,志留系各个层序内部进一步划分体系域均比较困难。SQ1、SQ3为基准面上升 半旋回型层序,SQ2、SQ4为基准面下降半旋回型层序,SQ5为完整基准面升降旋回型层序。低位域盆底扇、海进域滨岸砂体、高位域前积复合砂体是塔里木盆地海相碎屑岩最有利的储盖组合类型。SQ2和SQ4为重点勘探层序,滨岸砂体是主要勘探对象。

Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy and Exploration Implications in Tarim Basin

Author's Name: Ren Kangxu, Xiao Zhongyao, Zhang Lijuan, Huang Zhibin, Wu Jincai, Ma Zhiyuan
Institution: Exploration and Development research Institute,PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company
In view of the systemic study of the whole basin, the authors established Silurian criterion sections in different areas in Tarim Basin. For the Silurian rudimental strata,5 sequences(SQ1-SQ5)can be distinguished and different sequences are classified in different areas owing to their eroded extent. Except for the sequence boundary 1(SB1),the other Silurian sequence boundaries are generally hard to trace in the whole basin. According to the seismic phase responses for the Silurian sequences, it is hard to subdivide the system tract in the inner of them. The sequences SQ1 and SQ3 are ones of ascending semi-cycles of the base-levels and the SQ2 and SQ4 represent ones of descending semi-cycles. The SQ5 is an in tegrated eustatic cycles sequence. The basin floor fans in LST, the coastal sandbodies in TST, and the progradational compound sandbodies in HST are the most favorable reservoir-seal rock assemblages for marine clastic reservoirs in Tarim Basin. It is suggested that The important prospecting sequences are SQ2 and SQ4 and the main exploration targets are the shoreline sandbodies.
Keywords: Silurian; Marine formation; Sequence stratigraphy; Criterion section; Stratigraphic trap; Lithologic trap; Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2010-09-17  