
作    者:黄俨然,张枝焕,李友川,李文浩
单    位:中国石油大学(北京)石油天然气成藏机理教育部重点实验室
摘    要:
全世界现有60 多个国家正在进行深水油气勘探,效果显著的地区主要位于被动陆缘盆地。将被动陆缘盆地划分为克拉通内断坳盆地、原洋裂谷盆地、板缘漂移期无陆源碎屑盆地以及板缘漂移期陆源碎屑盆地等四种类型,其构造演化类型基本可分为断陷-坳陷型或断陷-漂移型两种,它们都以断陷期发育的湖相烃源岩为主,在断陷晚期和 漂移期则主要发育近海三角洲和海陆过渡相烃源岩,有机质主要来源于陆源碎屑。在被动陆缘深水盆地,纯海相烃源岩发育的可能性相对较低。南海地区是多个微板块拼合、增生和重新组合所形成的,构造环境复杂,其深水区烃源岩形成的环境也多种多样,从湖相、近海三角洲相、海陆过渡相到海相都有发育,但海相的较为少见。海陆过渡相烃源岩的发育主要取决于陆源物质的供给,而海相烃源岩的发育则主要受原始生产力大小的影响。

Development Regularity and Dominant Factors of Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in Worldwide Deepwater Petroliferous Basins

Author's Name: Huang Yanran, Zhang Zhihuan, Li Youchuan, Li Wenhao
Institution: Basin and Reservoir Research Center, China University of Petroleum
More than 60 countries are practising oil and gas exploration in the worldwide deep waters. The regions of deepwater exploration effective are mostly in the passive continental margin basins. The tectonic evolution of these basins can be classified into either rifting-depressing or rifting-drifting ones. In these basins, lacustrine source rock was dominant during the rifting phase and paralic deltaic and transitional source rock during the late rifting and the drifting phases. Organic matter in source rock is commonly sourced from terrigenous detritus. The development of transitional source rock depends on terrestrial sediment supplies while that of marine source rock depends on original productivity of sediments. In the region of South China Sea, the deepwater source rock that developed in various sedimentary environments may be lacustrine, paralic deltaic, transitional or less marine.
Keywords: Deep-water basin;Passive continental margin;Basin evolution;Characteristics of source rock;South China Sea; Worldwide
投稿时间: 2010-11-22  