
作    者:赵贤正,金凤鸣,王权,李勖,康如坤,常建华,袁胜辉
单    位:中国石油华北油田公司
摘    要:
冀中坳陷霸县凹陷牛东1井于2011年1月钻探发现了超深层蓟县系雾迷山组碳酸盐岩潜山油气藏,油气藏底部钻 达深度6027m尚未见油水界面,温度已达201℃,酸压测试获日产油642.9m3和气56.3伊104m3,为渤海湾盆地乃至中国东部 目前发现的深度最大、温度最高的特高产油气藏。回顾了油气藏初战失利、再战搁浅、重燃希望、重大突破等四个阶段30余 年的探索历程。描述了勘探突破中的三项关键技术以及它们所发挥的重要作用:高精度重磁力勘探为超深潜山的发现提 供了重要线索,高精度二次三维地震勘探实现了超深潜山圈闭的准确落实,抗高温深度体积酸压改造为超深超高温潜山 油气藏试获高产提供了有力的技术保障。

A Superdeep and Superhigh Temperature Carbonate Buried-hill Reservoir in Eastern China:Discovery and the Key Exploration Technology of Nudong-1 Buried-hill Oil andGas Reservoir in Jizhong Depression, Bohaiwan Basin

Author's Name: Zhao Xianzheng, Jin Fengming, Wang Quan, Li Xu, Kang Rukun, Chang Jianhua, Yuan Shenghui
Institution: PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Compang
A superdeep Middle Proterozoic Wumishan carbonate buried hill oil and gas reservoir, which is deep buried within Baxian Sag, Jizhong Depression, was discovered in Well ND-1 in January, 2011. The drilled depth reached to 6027m at the bottom of the Niudong-1 buried-hill reservoir where no oil/water interface was met and the temperature is at 201益 (about 394℉) at the well bottom. The acid-fracturing well test gave the high output rate of 642.9 m3 oil and 563伊103m3 natural gas per day. It is the oil and gas reservoir with the greatest well depth, the highest output and the highest well-bottom temperature that has discovered up to now in Bohaiwan Basin, even in the eastern part of China. The exploration history for more than 30 years that has undergone from failure, through putting-aside and reviving to success is reviewed. Three key technology and their important actions playing in exploration are described. The firsttechnology is the "high-precision gravimetric and magnetic survey" that supplied important clue for the discovery of the superdeep buried hill, the second one is the "secondary 3-D seismic survey" that achieved the accurate orientation for the buried hill trap, and the third one is the "high-T-resisting, deepening and voluminous acid-fracturing" that supplied the effective technology ensure for well testing to obtain high oil and gas output in the superdeep and superhigh T reservoir.
Keywords: Middle Proterozoic; Carbonate reservoir; Buried-hill Reservoir; High temperature reservoir; Deep reservoir; Petroleum exploration; Exploration technique; Jidong Depression; Bohaiwan Basin
投稿时间: 2011-09-26  