
作    者:王力,屈红军,张功成,范玉海,关利群,冯杨伟,郑艳荣,李敏
单    位:西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室
摘    要:

Development Rule of Source-reservoir-caprock Assemblages of Typical Passive Epicontinental Deepwater Petroliferous Basins

Author's Name: Wang Li, Qu Hongjun, Zhang Gongcheng, Fan Yuhai, Guan Liqun,Feng Yangwei, Zheng Yanrong, Li Min
Institution: The State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics and Department of Geology, Northwest University
The tectonic evolution of mondial passive epicontinental basins can be divided into three major develop mental phases, the pre-rifting, the rifting and the post-rifting phases. The post-rifting phase can be subdivided into thermal subsiding and drifting subphases. Both the rift sequence developed during rifting and the drift sequence developed during drifting can be the dominant strata that comprise ource-reservoir-caprock(SRC) assemblages. By statistics, it is revealed that the SRC assembleges in basins can include.Ⅰ.the rifting SRC assemblages, Ⅱ. The compound rifting S and/or drifting RC assembleges, and Ⅲ. the drifting SRC assembleges. All types of the assembleges mainly consist of the marine/continental transitional source rocks,deepwater turbidite sandstone reservoirs and marine mudstone caprocks. Every assemblage can provide a great huge amount of oil and gas reserves. The rifting SRC assembleges are in low extent of exploration and will have huge hydrocarbon potential. The compound rifting S and/or drifting RC assembleges possess of huge reserves and will have great hydrocarbon potential. The drifting SRC assembleges are in high extent of exploration and possess of huge reserves so they are the focus of deepwater oil and gas exploration and production at present.
Keywords: Passive continental margin; Epicontinental basin; Deep-water petroliferous basin; Tectonic evolution;Source-reservoir-caprock assemblage; Oil and gas reserves
投稿时间: 2011-04-06  