
作    者:谢金有,祝幼华,李绪深,麦文,赵鹏肖
单    位:中海石油中国有限公司湛江分公司研究院
摘    要:

The Cenozoic Sea-Level Changes in Yinggehai-Qiongdongnan Basin,Northern South China Sea

Author's Name: Xie Jinyou, Zhu Youhua, Li Xushen, Mai Wen, Zhao Pengxiao
Institution: Research institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Zhanjiang Branch Company, CNOOC Ltd.
The Yinggehai-Qiongdongnan (Ying-Qiong) Basin is a part of the South China Sea Shelf Basin. It is the key area to set up the Cenozoic sea level change cycles in west Pacific Ocean. Based on a relative high-resolution chronostratigraphic framework which formed from the data of foraminifera and Calcareous nannofossils, the curves of Cenozoic sea level changes in Ying-Qiong Basin was reconstructed according to the quantitative relationship between the percentage of pelagic foraminifera and water depth in the surface layer of South China Sea and by the analysis of the paleoecology,the geneses phase,the characteristics of sedimentary structures and the coastal onlap recognized in seismic reflection profiles. Three integrated 2nd-graded cycles of sea level changes and a half period cycle of sea level rising was set up from Oligocene to nowadays. The sealevel changes ranged between 0m and 200m. The deepest water appeared from the late Early Miocene to the early Middle Miocene. Compared with the Haq's curve (1988),the curves are similar in long-term and high order cycle of sea level changes.
Keywords: Cenozoic; Sea-level change; Micropalaeontologic quantitative analysis; Yinggehai Basin; Qiongdongnan Basin; South China Sea
投稿时间: 2011-07-06  