
作    者:王宁1,何幼斌1,李向东2,苑伯超1,罗进雄1
单    位:1 长江大学地球科学学院; 2 中国地质科学院地质研究所
摘    要:

Characteristics and Genesis of Allochthonous Ordovician Limestone: A case for Middle Ordovician Xujiajuan Deepwater Oolitic Limestone in Zhongning Area, Ningxia

Author's Name: Wang Ning, He Youbin, Li Xiangdong, Yuan Bochao, Luo Jinxiong
Institution: Faculty of Geoscience, Yangtze University
Deepwater allogene oolitic limestone can be identified by macroscopic and microscopic features, grain size characteristics and sedimentary structures. Macroscopical and microscopical observation and analysis have done to the outcrop sections and rock thin sections form Middle Ordovician Xujiajuan oolitic limestone in Zhongning Area, Ningxia. The result of statistical analysis and contrast of rock grain sizes has shown that oolites and pseudoolites, normal oolites and epidermis oolites formed in different environments. The granularity is characterized by gravity flow transportation. Combined with the sedimentary background,it is believed that this kind of oolitc limestone is deepwater allogene deposits in origin and the oolites are likely to come from the contemporaneous carbonate platform in the west margin of Ordos Block to this deep water area by gravity flow transportation.
Keywords: Middle Ordovician; Oolitic limestone; Deepwater sediments; Sedimentary characteristics; Rock genesis
投稿时间: 2012-02-20  