
作    者:唐武1,2,王英民1,2 ,杨彩虹3,仲米虹4,李冬5 ,秦培莉6,朱国隆7,刁宛1,2
单    位:1 中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室;2 中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院;3 中国石化股份有限公司上海海洋油气分公司研究院;4 中海石油气电集团有限责任公司技术研发中心;5 中海油研究总院;6 大港油田采油一厂;7 中国石油大庆油田海拉尔石油勘探开发指挥部
摘    要:

Contrast and Identification of Seismic Reflection Features among Reefs, Bioherms and Shoal Flats: An Example of Reservoir Prediction in Deep-water Area, Qiongdongnan Basin

Author's Name: Tang Wu, Wang Yingmin, Yang Caihong, Zhong Mihong, Li Dong, Qin Peili, Zhu Goulong, Diao Wan
Institution: Faculty of Earth Science, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
When reservoir prediction is carried out in a deep-water carbonate-distributing area without any exploration well, it is commonly not only easy to judge reservoir-free bioherms erroneously as real organic reefs only according to the mound seismic reflection configuration that is considered as the proof of reef existence but also easy to ignore the shoal flats without the feature of mound seismic reflection which are likely to be reservoirs. Contrasting seismic reflection with seismic velocity in feature, it is shown that some deference and correlation exist among reefs, bioherms and shoal flat bodies. A reef is characteristic of the mound reflection configuration with high velocity, and a bioherm is of same mound reflection configuration but with low velocity while a shoal flat (body) is of high velocity without the mound reflection configuration. Based on such features, a new method is built for predicting reef reservoirs and shoal flat reservoirs in deep-water areas. This method is applied to predict once more the middle Miocene Meishan carbonate reservoir in some deep-water area of Qiongdongnan Basin. The re-prediction gives a different result that a large part of reefs that were predicted before into “reefs” are reclassified into bioherms and meanwhile shoal flats with a such large area nearly as the distribution area of the reefs are unexpectedly discovered. It is proved that it is an accurate method for predicting carbonate reservoirs in deep-water area.
Keywords: Deepwater exploration; Seismic exploration; Carbonate reservoir; Reservoir prediction; Reef; Bioherm; Tide flat; Qiongdongnan Basin
投稿时间: 2012-07-05  