
作    者:方杰1,徐树宝2,吴蕾2,欧阳华2,聂明龙1
单    位:1 中国石油勘探开发研究院;2 中国石油阿姆河天然气勘探开发有限公司
摘    要:
阿姆河右岸地区侏罗系发育三种类型的烃源岩,其有机质丰度均不相同,上侏罗统海相高伽马值泥岩的最高,其次为海相泥灰岩,中下侏罗统海陆过渡相煤系泥岩相对偏低,烃源岩的等级分别属于好烃源岩、中等烃源岩和中要差烃源岩。对比表明,这三种烃源岩的有机质丰度高于中国含油气盆地的同类型烃源岩,说明盆地具有油气生成的较好物质基础。本区海相烃源岩干酪根微组分中腐泥组含量高,但干酪根中氢原子含量低,有机质主要来源于藻类等低等生物。根据干酪根H/C 原子比、氢指数IH和碳同位素δ13C三项指标判断,上侏罗统海相烃源岩属于Ⅱ要Ⅲ型母质。上侏罗统高伽马值泥岩和泥灰岩已达生烃高峰阶段(Ro大多在0.8%~1.3%),有利于常规油、凝析油和湿气的生成,总烃/有机碳已达到15.88%~18.4%,接近Ⅱ型烃源岩液态烃的产烃率,说明侏罗系海相烃源岩具有较高的生烃能力。

Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Jurassic Source Rocks in Right Bank of Amu Darya

Author's Name: Fang Jie, Xu Shubao, Wu Lei, Ouyang Hua, Nie Minglong
Institution: PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration Development
Jurassic source rocks develops in Right Bank of Amu Darya in Amu-Darya Basin(Turkmenistan) and owing to different content of TOC, they can be divided into the good source rock(the Upper Jurassic marine higher-gamma mudstone), the medium one (Upper Jurassic marine marlite) and the mid-poor one(Middle and Lower Jurassic coal-bearing mudstone) based on the evaluation standard of organic matter abundance rank of China. According to the source-rock correlation, the organic abundance in these source rocks from Right Bank is higher than that in the similar source rocks from different petroliferous basins in China (Tarim, Tuha, Sichuan and Bohaiwan basins), which implies good hydrocarbon-generating materials in the basin. The kerogen within the Jurassic marine source rock consists of high content of sapropel but possesses a low amount of hydrogen atom in it and so organic matter commonly comes from lower living beings such as algae. According to three indicators, i.e, kerogen H/C ratio, HI and δ13C, it is judged that the organic precursor of the Upper Jurassic marine source rock belongs to Type Ⅱto Type Ⅲof kerogen. The Upper Jurassic higher-gamma mudstone and marlite have entered into the peak stage of hydrocarbon generation(0.8%-1.3% Ro for 80% of samples), which is in favor of generating general oil, gas condensate and wet gas. The HC/TOC ratio reaches to 15.88%-18.4% that closes to the liquid hydrocarbon-producing rate of source rock with Type II kerogen,which indicates high potential of hydrocarbon generation in the Jurassic source rock.
Keywords: Jurassic; Source rock; Hydrocarbon generation potential; Oil-source correlation; Organic matter type; Right bank of Amu Darya; Amu-Darya Basin
投稿时间: 2013-05-24  