
作    者:肖冰清12,曹淑娟1,邬光辉3
单    位:(1桂林理工大学;2中国石油塔里木油田公司勘探开发研究院;3中山大学海洋学院)
摘    要:
关键词:塔里木盆地;古隆起;寒武纪;白云岩 储层;油气成藏;控制因素;勘探领域

New Realm of Marine Carbonate Exploration in Southwestern Tarim Basin: Cambrian Dolomite

Author's Name: Xiao Bingqing, Cao Shujuan, Wu Guanghui
Institution: Research Institute of Exploration and Development, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company
The recent petroleum exploration in the southwest of Tarim Basin is concentrated on the Ordovician carbonate rocks, but the exploration effect is not ideal. Based on the analysis of drilling and the key elements of hydrocarbon accumulation, different exploration strata in the study area were evaluated. Ordovician carbonate reservoirs are underdeveloped, and the hydrocarbon is poorly packed according to the oil and gas shows. Cambrian has a large-scale petroleum potential of self-generated and self-stored reservoir. Cambrian hydrocarbon source is abundant, and the middle-lower Cambrian dolomite reservoir is superior to the Ordovician limestone, and the salt cap layer is extensively developed with few faults involved. On the north slope of the paleo-uplift, especially in Hetianhe gas field and its periphery, it is expected to get a new oil and gas breakthough in the middle-lower Cambrian dolomite.
Keywords: Paleo-uplift; Dolomite reservoir; Hydrocarbon accumulation; Control factor; Exploration realm; Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2015-09-25  