
作    者:张坤贞, 王 舒, 杨永灵, 宫玉平, 朱丹玲, 杨优磊
单    位:中国石化中原石油工程有限公司录井公司
摘    要:
近年来,在川东北普光地区中二叠统茅口组白云岩储层中发现了良好的气显示,揭示了新的勘探领域。基于钻井岩心、薄片等研究认为:川东北普光地区茅口组白云岩类型主要为灰质(含灰)粉—细晶白云岩,局部见灰质(含灰)砂屑白云岩,偶见粗晶白云岩;粉—细晶白云石多呈半自形—自形晶,残余粒间孔、晶间孔缝发育。纵向上,研究区内茅口组白云岩主要发育在茅二段(明1井最厚,达18.1 m,一般钻井厚度10 m左右)和茅一段顶部,茅三段白云岩厚度较薄。横向上个别层段白云岩分布可对比,但整体可对比性较差;平面上,茅口组白云岩主要分布于双石庙构造和东岳寨构造,其次是东南方向的清溪场构造和宣汉东构造。研究区内茅口组白云岩分布与沉积作用及断裂系统均有一定联系,在台内滩与北东向、北西向2组断裂叠合的部位,白云岩相对更发育。
关键词:四川盆地; 普光地区; 二叠纪; 茅口组; 白云岩储层; 发育特征

Characteristics of the dolomite in Permian Maokou Formation in Puguang Area, northeastern Sichuan Basin

Author's Name: ZHANG Kunzhen, WANG Yanshu, YANG Yongling, GONG Yuping, ZHU Danling, YANG Youlei
Institution: Zhongyuan Petroleum Engineering Company Limited, SinoPec
Dolomite reservoir of the Permian Maokou Formation is a new realm for gas exploration in Puguang area, northeastern Sichuan Basin. Based on well cores and thin sections, it is shown that there mainly developed limy fine-grained dolomite, and locally sandy dolomite and coarse-grained dolomite, and the fine-grained dolomite is mostly semi-automorphic or automorphic with residual intergranular pore or fractures. Vertically, dolomite mainly developed at Maokou Member-2 and the top of Maokou Member-1. The total dolomite thickness of Maokou Member-2 in well Ming-1 is 18.1m, which is higher than the average about 10m. Horizontally, the dolomites mainly distributed in Shuangshimiao anticline and Dongyuezhai anticline, following by Qingxichang anticline and Xuanhandong anticline. Affected by both sedimentation and fracture system, it is concluded that the dolomite mainly developed at the shoal of inner platform where two sets of faults with different strike (NE, NW) crossed. This study would be helpful for the next gas exploration of Maokou Formation in Puguang area.
Keywords: Permian; Maokou Formation; dolomite reservoir; characteristics; Puguang Area; Sichuan Basin
投稿时间: 2017-05-08  