
作    者:马学峰1, 杨德相1, 王 建2, 曹兰柱1, 田建章1,余 雁1, 钟雪梅1, 刘海涛2, 韩 琪1
单    位:1 中国石油华北油田分公司;2 中国石油勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
渤海湾盆地冀中坳陷最主要的烃源层是古近系的沙三段、沙一段,新生古储和自生自储是发现储量最多、石油资源最丰富的2种成藏组合。近年来,冀中坳陷在富油洼槽区地层-岩性油藏、隐蔽型潜山油藏以及致密油领域勘探不断取得重要突破与发现,展现了良好的勘探前景。通过冀中坳陷常规与非常规油藏形成条件解剖,分析成藏主控因素,构建多类型油藏成藏模式并总结富集规律,完善建立不同类型油藏资源评价参数,优选评价方法,开展了新一轮资源潜力评价。结果表明:冀中坳陷常规石油地质资源量为24.4×108 t,资源探明率为46%,致密油地质资源量为5.19×108 t。由于剩余石油资源依然丰富,未来要持续深化富油洼槽区及斜坡带的构造-岩性及隐蔽型常规油藏勘探,稳步推进束鹿凹陷泥灰岩致密油勘探,加强致密油甜点区综合评价。

The geological conditions, resource potential and exploration direction of oil in Jizhong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

Author's Name: MA Xuefeng,YANG Dexiang, WANG Jian, CAO Lanzhu, TIAN Jianzhang, YU Yan, ZHONG Xuemei, LIU Haitao, HAN Qi
Institution: Huabei Oilfield Exploration and Development Research Institute
The Member-3 and the Member-1 of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation are the most important hydrocarbon source beds in Jizhong Depression of Bohai Bay Basin. It is proved that the patterns of “late source and early reservoir” and“self-generation and self-reservoir” are the two types of reservoir-forming assemblages with the largest discovered reserves and the richest oil resources. In recent years, it is showing so better exploration prospects in Jizhong Depression that important breakthroughs and discoveries have been made in fields of lithologic reservoir, buried-hill reservoirs and tight oil in the oil-rich troughs. In this paper, conventional and unconventional oil reservoir-forming conditions and main controlling factors are analyzed, multi-types of oil reservoir-forming patterns are setup and their enrichment rules are summarized. On this basis, suitable assessment methods and parameters are selected to estimate the oil resource potential,and the favorable exploration targets and prospects are selected. The results show that the amount of the conventional oil resource is 24.40×108 t, with the proved reserves accounting for 46%, and that of tight oil is 5.19×108 t. As remaining oil resources are still considerable, the exploration of structural-lithological reservoirs and hidden conventional reservoir in oil-enriched troughs and slopes would be continuously deepened, and the exploration of marl tight oil in Shulu Sag should be stably promoted, and the comprehensive evaluation for dessert area of tight oil should be strengthened.
Keywords: geological conditions; resource assessment; exploration potential; oil; oil-enriched trough; Jizhong Depression; Bohai Bay Basin
投稿时间: 2018-12-06  