
作    者:王建伟, 杜景霞, 张永超, 王全利, 赵淑娥
单    位:中国石油冀东油田分公司勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
南堡凹陷是一个典型的富油气凹陷,近年来在多个勘探领域获得新发现,展现出良好的勘探前景。目前的勘探实践与盆地第三次资评结果之间的矛盾日益突出,难以有效指导勘探部署。通过南堡凹陷基本石油地质特征解剖和油气成藏条件分析,建立了不同勘探领域油气成藏模式,明确了油气富集规律。基于地质风险评价,优选评价方法,重新开展南堡凹陷资源量计算,明确了剩余资源分布及未来有利勘探领域。资源评价结果显示:南堡凹陷常规石油地质资源量为12.20×108 t,非常规石油地质资源量为2.19×108 t,剩余常规石油地质资源量为7.10×108 t。依据“深浅兼顾、油气并举”的原则评价,指出了高柳、南堡1号、南堡2号和老爷庙等4个构造带是未来重点石油勘探区带。

The geological conditions, resource potential and exploration direction in Nanpu Sag of Jidong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

Author's Name: WANG Jianwei, DU Jingxia, ZHANG Yongchao, WANG Quanli, ZHAO Shu’e
Institution: 1st Scientific Research Building of Jidong Oilfield Company
Nanpu Sag is a typical hydrocarbon-rich sag in Jidong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. New discoveries have been made in several fields recently, showing great exploration potential of oil and gas in this sag. The conflict between the results of the 3rd resources evaluation and the current exploration practice is increasing evidently, which makes it difficult to guide the exploration. Through the analysis of petroleum geological characteristics of Nanpu Sag, this paper analyze the hydrocarbon accumulation conditions, establish hydrocarbon accumulation patterns in different exploration fields, and clarifies the regulations of hydrocarbon accumulation. Based on the assessment of the geological risks, the evaluation methods were optimized to carry out the calculation of resources, and to clarify the distribution of remaining resources and favorable exploration fields in the future. The results show that there are 12.20×108 t of the conventional oil resources, 2.19×108 t of unconventional oil resources, 7.1×108 t of remaining conventional oil resources. According to the principle of “considering both shallow and deep layers, exploring both oil and gas”, it is pointed out that four structural zones, such as Gaoliu, Nanpu 1, Nanpu 2 and Laoyemiao, are the key exploration targets in the future.
Keywords: resources potential; remaining resources; exploration direction;oil; Nanpu Sag; Bohai Bay Basin
投稿时间: 2019-01-10  