
作    者:王红平1,2, 徐志诚1, 于兴河2, 刘艳红1, 闫 春1, 吕福亮1, 范国章1, 张勇刚1
单    位:1中国石油杭州地质研究院; 2中国地质大学(北京)能源学院
基金项目:国家科技重大专项 “全球剩余油气资源研究及油气资产快速评价技术”下属课题等资助
摘    要:
在研究西非海岸盆地形成演化的基础上,总结各盆地石油地质特征,划分各盆地成藏组合并评价资源潜力,最终提出了油气勘探方向。西非海岸17个盆地从北往南可分为5段:北段盐盆、中段盆地、尼日尔三角洲、中南段盐盆和南段盆地,其形成演化可分为前裂谷、同裂谷和后裂谷3个阶段,总体发育6套储盖组合。以储盖组合为核心,在西非海岸17个盆地中共划分出27个成藏组合。以成藏组合为资源评价基本单元,采用类比法、发现过程法和主观概率法,计算和预测西非17个盆地待发现常规油气可采资源量为146 175 MMBOE。待发现常规油气资源在平面上主要分布于中南段盐盆和尼日尔三角洲,纵向上主要位于白垩系、古近系和新近系。西非海岸17个盆地按勘探潜力从大到小分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类,应重点选择Ⅰ、Ⅱ类盆地开展勘探活动。西非重点勘探目标为深水浊积岩和盐下碳酸盐岩,每个盆地主力成藏组合叠合最多的区域就是该盆地最有利的勘探区带。

Reservoir-forming assemblages and resource potential of oil and gas of coastal basins in West Africa

Author's Name: WANG Hongping, XU Zhicheng, YU Xinghe, LIU Yanhong, YAN Chun, Lü Fuliang, FAN Guozhang, ZHANG Yonggang
Institution: PetroChina Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology
Based on the study of the formation and evolution of coastal basins in West Africa, the petroleum geological characteristics of each basin are summarized, the reservoir-forming assemblages of each basin are divided, and the resource potential is evaluated. Finally, the direction of oil and gas exploration is put forward. West Africa coastal basins are mainly consisted of 17 basins and can be divided into 5 provinces: the North salt basin province, the Gulf of Guinea province, the Niger Delta province, the Aptian salt basin province and the South basin province. The formation and evolution of West Africa coastal basins can be divided into 3 stages: pre-rift stage, syn-rift stage, and post-rift stage. Controlled by basin evolution, 6 reservoir-seal assemblages developed in West Africa coastal basins. With reservoir-cap assemblages as the core, 27 reservoir-forming assemblages have been divided in the 17 basins in West Africa. Taking reservoir-forming assemblage as the basic unit of resource evaluation, analogy method, discovery process method and subjective probability method are used to calculate and predict the undiscovered recoverable resource of conventional oil and gas. The results show that the total amount of the resources in these basins is 146,175 MMBOE. The conventional oil and gas resources to be discovered are mainly distributed in the Aptian salt basin province and Niger Delta Basin, and mainly in the Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene in the vertical. The 17 basins in West Africa are classified as type I, type II and type III basins according to their exploration potential from large to small. The key exploration targets in West Africa are deep-water turbidite and pre-salt carbonate rocks. The most favorable exploration zones in each basin are the areas where the main reservoir-forming assemblages overlap most.
Keywords: reservoir-forming assemblages; petroleum resources; deep-water turbidite; pre-salt carbonate; passive continental margin; West Africa
投稿时间: 2019-04-24  