碳酸盐岩风化壳岩溶地震弱振幅储层识别技术的应用 ——以塔里木盆地TZ62 井区为例

作    者:常少英1,李世银2,乔占峰1,林正良3,赵昭阳4
单    位:1 中国石油杭州地质研究院;2 中国石油塔里木油田分公司; 3 中国石化南京物探研究院;4 中国石油大学地球科学学院
摘    要:
塔里木盆地TZ62井区奥陶系碳酸盐岩风化壳岩溶地层与上覆桑塔木组泥岩地层存在较大的波阻抗差,致使风 化壳下部呈现弱反射特征的裂缝孔洞型储层被地层界面的强反射所遮挡,造成常规振幅对该类储层的预测能力差。通 过构建地层框架模型、地层框架镶嵌储层模型、去除岩性顶界面后的镶嵌储层模型等3种情况的地质模型,对不同地层 结构类型、不同发育位置的储层进行正演模拟,采用基于波形分解的岩溶储层预测技术,将正演地震数据分解成若干个 分量,每一分量反映具有相似物性的地层,进而通过对目标分量的提取,达到预测弱振幅储层的效果。将基于波形分解 的岩溶储层弱振幅提取技术应用于TZ62工区实际资料,依据油田实际生产数据的分析,验证了该技术应用的有效性, 解决了弱振幅孔洞型储层难以预测的问题。

Application of weak amplitude reservoir identification technology in karst reservoir of carbonate weathered crust: an example study of TZ62 well area in Tarim Basin

Author's Name: CHANG Shaoying, LI Shiyin, QIAO Zhanfeng, LIN Zhengliang, ZHAO Zhaoyang
Institution: PetroChina Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology
There is a large difference in wave impedance between the Ordovician carbonate karst stratum and the mudstone of the Sandamu Formation in the TZ62 well area of Tarim Basin. As a result, the fractured and porous reservoirs with weak amplitude reflection which developed in the lower part of the weathered crust are blocked by the strong reflection of the lithologic interface, and it is difficult to predict this type of reservoirs by conventional amplitude. Through building three types of geological model, including stratigraphic framework model, the stratigraphic framework mosaicing reservoir model and the mosaicing reservoirs model after removing the lithologic top interface, the reservoirs with different types of stratigraphic structure and different locations are simulated by forward modeling. The forward seismic data are decomposed into several components by using the karst reservoir prediction technology based on waveform decomposition, and each component reflects the strata with similar physical properties, then the weak amplitude reservoir can be predicted by extracting the target component. The effectiveness of this technology is verified by applying in TZ62 well area of Tarim Basin and by analyzing the actual production data of oilfield.
Keywords: weathered crust; carbonate; karst reservoir; waveform decomposition; reservoir prediction; Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2018-02-03  