鄂尔多斯盆地中东部马家沟组盐下 构造-沉积响应特征

作    者:左洺涛1,胡忠贵1,杨 威2,张春林2,胡明毅1,莫午零2
单    位:1 长江大学沉积盆地研究中心;2 中国石油勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
综合利用钻井岩心、薄片、野外露头及地震解释等资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地中东部地区马家沟组五段(马五段) 盐下地层进行了沉积相、地震相分析,进而探讨构造-沉积响应特征。研究表明:研究区马五段盐下发育局限台地— 蒸发台地相,主要包括颗粒滩、云坪、灰坪、膏盐湖等多个沉积微相类型。利用井-震结合的方法,建立主要微相的地 震相解释模式,据此对全区地震剖面进行地震相-沉积相解释,修编了马五段盐下地层岩相古地理图,认为研究区主体 在马五段盐下地层沉积期呈现隆洼相间、多隆多洼的沉积格局。建立了鄂尔多斯盆地马五段盐下地层的沉积模式。

Characteristics of structural-sedimentary response of the subsalt reservoir of Majiagou Formation in central-eastern Ordos Basin

Author's Name: ZUO Mingtao, HU Zhonggui, YANG Wei, ZHANG Chunlin, HU Mingyi, MO Wuling
Based on the data of drilling cores, thin sections, field outcrops and seismic interpretation, the sedimentary facies and seismic facies of the Majiagou Member 5 in the central-eastern Ordos Basin are analyzed, and the structuralsedimentary response characteristics are discussed. The research shows that restricted and evaporation platform facies are developed in the subsalt strata of the Majiagou Member 5 in the study area, which can be further divided into several sedimentary microfacies types,such as granular shoal, dolomite flat, limestone flat, gypsum-salt lake and so on. The seismic facies interpretation model of main microfacies was established by using well-seismic combination method. Based on this, the seismic facies and sedimentary facies interpretation of seismic sections in the whole area is carried out, and lithofacies-paleogeographic maps are revised. It is considered that the main part of the study area in this period presents a sedimentary pattern of“uplift and depression alternating”and“multi-uplifts and multi-depression”. The sedimentary model of the subsalt strata of the Majiagou Member 5 in the Ordos Basin is established.
Keywords: subsalt; seismic facies; structural-sedimentary response; Majiagou Formation; Ordos Basin
投稿时间: 2020-05-07  