潜江凹陷盐湖相页岩矿物组成与稀土元素 地球化学特征及地质意义

作    者:郑有伟1,付德亮2,田兵1,段志强3,张波3,罗建宁3,王自翔4 ,付德亮2,田 兵1,
单    位:1 内蒙古科技大学;2 自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室; 3 中国石油长庆油田公司勘探开发研究院;4 长江大学
摘    要:
以王场背斜古近系潜江组三段4亚段第10韵律层(Eq3 4 -10韵律)和潜江组四段0亚段第5韵律层(Eq4 0中-5韵 律)钻井岩心为主要研究对象,通过全岩X射线衍射(XRD)和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)实验分析,对潜江凹 陷不同韵律层的物源属性与沉积环境开展研究。研究表明,这两套韵律层的矿物组成特征、稀土元素含量及配分特征 具有明显的差异:Eq3 4 -10韵律的硅酸盐矿物主要以黏土矿物和石英为主,Eq4 0中-5韵律的硅酸盐矿物主要以斜长石、黏 土矿物和石英为主;两者的稀土元素含量与硅酸盐矿物含量均呈正相关,Eq3 4 -10韵律的碎屑岩类稀土元素分馏程度大 于碳酸盐岩类,而Eq4 0中-5韵律的碎屑岩类稀土元素分馏程度与碳酸盐岩类相似,指示这两套地层的母源物质存在差 异,或者Eq3 4 -10韵律沉积时期气候相对更为温暖湿润、风蚀作用更强;这两套地层的沉积水体均为还原环境,而Eq3 4 - 10韵律沉积时期湖泊水体可能更深,更有利于有机质的堆积与保存,由此推断Eq3 4 -10韵律更具有勘探潜力。

The mineral composition and geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements of salt lake shale in Qianjiang Depression and its geological significance

Author's Name: ZHENG Youwei, FU Deliang, TIAN Bing, DUAN Zhiqiang, ZHANG Bo, LUO Jianning, WANG Zixiang
Taking the drilling cores of the 10th rhythmite of Eq3 4 Submember(Eq3 4 -10 rhythmite) and 5th rhythmite of middle Eq4 0 Submember(Eq4 0 -5 rhythmite) of Qianjiang Formation in Wangchang anticline as main research object, the provenance properties and sedimentary environment of different rhythmite in Qianjiang Depression were studied through the analysing of XRD and ICP-MS. The results show that there are obvious differences in mineral composition, REE content and distribution between the two rhythmites. Clay minerals and quartz are the main silicate minerals in Eq3 4 -10 rhythms, while plagioclase, clay minerals and quartz are the main silicate minerals in Eq4 0 -5 rhythmite.The contents of REE and silicate minerals of the two sets were positively correlated. The REE fractionation degree of clastic rock in Eq3 4 - 10 rhythmite is higher than that of carbonate rocks, while that of clastic rock in Eq4 0 -5 rhythmite is similar to that of carbonate rocks. It is indicated that the provenance of these two rhythmites is different, or the climate is relatively warmer, humid and wind erosion is stronger in the depositional period of Eq3 4 -10 rhythmite. The sedimentary water of these two sets of strata are in reductive environment, and the lake water may be deeper during the deposition period of Eq3 4 -10 rhythmite, which is more conducive to the accumulation and preservation of organic matter. Therefore, it is inferred that Eq3 4 -10 rhythmite has more exploration potential.
Keywords: inter-salt shale;mineral composition;rare earth elements;sedimentary environment;Qianjiang Formation; Qianjiang Depression
投稿时间: 2019-10-27  