超临界状态CO2含量半定量评价及流体识别 ——以巴西桑托斯盆地盐下为例

作    者:庞 旭,邵大力,王红平,左国平,杨 柳,王朝锋,张勇刚,邵冠铭
单    位:中国石油杭州地质研究院
摘    要:
巴西桑托斯盆地盐下白垩系储层埋深4 000~6 000 m,流体性质极为复杂,流体类型识别困难。基于CO2不含

Semi-quantitative evaluation and fluid identification of supercritical CO2: taking Santos Basin of Brazil as an example

Author's Name: PANG Xu, SHAO Dali, WANG Hongping, ZUO Guoping, YANG Liu, WANG Chaofeng, ZHANG Yonggang, SHAO Guanming
The fluid properties of the pre-salt reservoir in Santos Basin, Brazil are extremely complex. In addition to conventional oil and gas, there are also non-hydrocarbon gas layers dominated by supercritical CO2, condensate gas layers containing supercritical CO2 and volatile oil layers. In the formation at depth of 4 000~6 000 m, the density of supercritical CO2 is similar to that of oil, and the difference in response characteristics of conventional logging is small, so it is extremely difficult to identify the fluid type. There are few studies on this in the world, and there is a lack of effective technical means. In this paper, based on the physical property that CO2 does not contain hydrogen and its supercritical condition is equivalent to the oil density, neutron logging, NMR logging while drilling and NMR logging and density logging reflecting the hydrogen content index of the fluid are selected. By crossing of density porosity-neutron porosity and density porosity-total porosity difference of NMR logging while drilling and NMR logging, the semi-quantitative evaluation of supercritical CO2 and identification of fluid were realized by combining with formation test and oil test results. The results show that the coincidence rate of the comprehensive identification of reservoir fluid types is up to 86.6%, which proves that the identification method has a good application effect in Santos Basin, Brazil. This technique is an effective method to identify complex fluid containing supercritical CO2 and is of great significance to well logging interpretation and evaluation.
Keywords: supercritical CO2; fluid identification; semi-quantitative evaluation; NMR logging while drilling; Santos Basin
投稿时间: 2020-06-01  