
作    者:甘永年,晁彩霞,曹 阳,王 猛,代百祥
单    位:中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司
摘    要:
利用岩心、测井、铸体薄片等资料,采用SMI软件地震波形指示反演技术,分析珠江口盆地西部文昌A油田钙 质隔夹层的空间结构特征,在此基础上结合开发井构造位置、储层物性及产能探讨钙质隔夹层对油藏开发效果的影 响。研究表明:波阻抗对钙质隔夹层预测效果明显,基于波阻抗的地震波形指示反演精度高(可识别0.5 m的钙质隔 夹层);研究区目的层段ZJ2Ⅰ-1砂组发育3套钙质隔夹层,按其垂向位置分为顶钙层、中钙层与底钙层,顶、底钙层的 岩性以生物碎屑灰岩为主,形成于海平面高频振荡的超短期反旋回顶部的临滨沙坝中,平面延伸规模大;中钙层的岩 性以钙质砂岩为主,形成于基准面上升的超短期正旋回的中部和顶部,中钙层的形成与差异性成岩作用有关,其横向 连续性差、分布局限。钙质隔夹层通过影响含水率而间接影响开发效果。研究认为:当底钙层缺失或存在天窗时,若 储层物性较好,可以采取提液措施来提高产能;若储层物性较差,则开发效果差。该新认识突破了传统的“底钙层存 在天窗就产能低”的观点,可为油田挖潜提供依据。

Study on calcareous interlayer of Wenchang A Oilfield in western Pearl River Mouth Basin

Author's Name: GAN Yongnian, CHAO Caixia, CAO Yang, WANG Meng, DAI Baixiang
Based on the data of cores, well logging and casting thin sections, the spatial structure of calcareous interlayer in Wenchang A Oilfield, western Pearl River Mouth Basin, are analyzed by using seismic waveform indication inversion of SMI software. On this basis, the influence of calcareous interlayer on reservoir development effect is discussed in combination with structural location of development wells, reservoir physical properties and productivity. It is shown that the P-impedance can distinguish the calcareous layer obviously. The accuracy of seismic waveform indication inversion based on the P-impedance is so high that the 0.5m calcareous interlayer can be identified. Three sets of calcareous layers are developed in ZJ2Ⅰ-1 sand group of the study area, which are divided into top, middle and bottom calcareous layer according to their vertical position. The top and bottom calcareous layer are dominated by bioclastic limestone, it is formed in the foreshore sand bar at the top of ultra-short term reverse cycle with high frequency oscillation of sea level, and their plane extension scale is large. The middle calcareous layer is dominated by calcareous sandstone, which is formed in the middle and top of the ultra-short term positive cycle with rising base level. The formation of medium calcium layer is related to differential diagenesis with limited distribution and poor lateral continuity. Calcareous interlayer indirectly affects the development effect by affecting the water content. However, when the bottom calcareous layer is missing or there is a skylight, if the physical property is good, the production capacity can be improved by liquid extraction measures, and if the physical property is poor, the development effect is poor. The new understanding breaks through the traditional view of “if there is a skylight in the bottom calcium layer, the productivity is low”, and can provide a basis for tapping the potential of the oilfield.
Keywords: seismic waveform indication inversion; calcareous interlayer; foreshore;sand bar; Wenchang A Oilfield; Pearl River Mouth Basin
投稿时间: 2020-07-03  