
作    者:高恒逸,王勇飞,邓美洲,王琼仙,李 勇,陈丽花
单    位:中石化西南油气分公司勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
以前期区域构造和沉积演化成果为基础,充分利用岩心、薄片、扫描电镜、阴极发光及测井曲线等基础资料, 分析了川西气田雷四上亚段潮坪相薄互层白云岩储层岩石学、储集空间类型及物性等特征,建立了研究区潮坪相完 整沉积旋回垂向分布模式,深入探讨了储层发育控制因素。结果表明:川西气田雷四上亚段有利储层岩性主要为藻 纹层白云岩、藻粘结白云岩、藻砂屑白云岩和晶粒白云岩等岩石类型,储集空间以藻格架溶孔、晶间(溶)孔、粒间孔为 主,储层总体具有低孔、低渗特征。潮间带藻云坪、砂屑滩和云坪微相是优质储层发育的物质基础,准同生期和表生 期溶蚀作用是控制雷四上亚段大量溶蚀孔洞发育的关键,古今构造高部位为前期孔隙保存提供了有利条件。
关键词:白云岩; 潮坪相;沉积旋回;溶蚀作用;雷口坡组;川西气田

Characteristics and main controlling factors of dolomite reservoir ofUpper Submember of Leikoupo Member 4in West Sichuan Gas Field

Author's Name: GAO Hengyi,WANG Yongfei,DENG Meizhou,WANG Qiongxian,LI Yong,CHEN Lihua
Based on the understanding of regional structure and sedimentary evolution in the early stage, and making full use of the basic data such as core, thin section, physical properties, scanning electron microscope, cathodoluminescence and logging curves, the petrology, reservoir space type and physical properties of the thin interbedded dolomite reservoir of tidal flat facies of Upper Submember of Leikoupo Member 4 in West Sichuan Gas Field are analyzed, and the vertical distribution model of complete sedimentary cycle of tidal flat facies in the study area is established, and the controlling factors of reservoir development are deeply discussed. It is shown that favorable reservoirs are mainly developed in algal laminar dolomite, algal bonded dolomite, algal arenaceous dolomite and crystalline dolomite. The reservoir space is mainly algal framework solution pore, intercrystalline (solution) pore and intergranular pore. The reservoir has the characteristics of low porosity and low permeability. The microfacies of algae dolomite flat, arenaceous shoal and dolomite flat in the intertidal zone are the material basis for the development of high-quality reservoirs. The penecontemporaneous dissolution and the supergene dissolution are the key to control the development of a large number of dissolution holes in Upper Submember of Leikoupo Member 4. The high parts of ancient and modern structures provide favorable conditions for early pore preservation.
Keywords: dolomite; tidal flat facies; sedimentary cycle; dissolution; Leikoupo Formation; West Sichuan Gas Field
投稿时间: 2021-01-26  