低渗透砂岩储层裂缝特征及控制因素 ——以莺歌海盆地L 气田黄流组为例

作    者:张冠杰1,吴孔友2,范彩伟3,何小胡4, 刘敬寿1,雷新4
单    位:1 中国地质大学(武汉)构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室;2 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院; 3 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司;4 中海石油(中国)有限公司海南分公司
摘    要:
莺歌海盆地L气田含气层系为典型的低渗透砂岩储层。对中新统黄流组成像测井、钻井岩心以及薄片等不 同尺度的裂缝进行研究,并结合全岩矿物分析、岩心孔渗分析等测试结果,明确了低渗透砂岩储层裂缝发育特征与主 控因素。研究结果表明:①区内构造裂缝占80%以上,以剪性裂缝为主,张性裂缝次之;裂缝倾角以低角度和水平为 主(占65%以上)。②影响裂缝发育程度的主要因素包括地层曲率、断裂位置、岩石力学参数、基质孔隙度和渗透率、 岩性以及单砂体厚度。对于地层曲率较大的部位及断裂发育部位,以及粒度较小、脆性较高的岩石,裂缝发育程度较 高;裂缝发育程度与单砂体厚度呈幂指数负相关,但当单砂体厚度大于4.7 m后,二者相关性逐渐变弱;随着基质孔隙 度与渗透率的增高,裂缝发育程度呈现先增大后减小的趋势,当基质孔隙度介于8%~10%、基质渗透率介于(1.3~ 1.5)×10-3 μm2时,构造裂缝最为发育;裂缝发育程度受岩石弹脆性和应变能影响,表现为随着岩石杨氏模量的增高, 裂缝发育程度先增大后减小。③新近纪以来莺歌海盆地发生快速沉积,深层普遍存在强烈的欠压实,底辟构造广泛 发育,较弱的地层上拱导致黄流组厚层泥质岩所夹的砂岩薄层集中产生独特的低角度裂缝。

Characteristics and controlling factors of fractures in low-permeability sandstone reservoirs: a case study of the Miocene Huangliu Formation in L Gasfield, Yinggehai Basin

Author's Name: ZHANG Guanjie, WU Kongyou, FAN Caiwei, HE Xiaohu, LIU Jingshou, LEI Xin
L Gasfield is a 100 billion cubic meters gasfield discovered in the Miocene of Yinggehai Basin, and its gas bearing formation is a typical low-permeability sandstone reservoir. In order to provide a basis for the quantitative prediction of reservoir fractures in L Gasfield and the next exploration and development, the fractures of different scales such as imaging logging, drilling cores and thin sections in Huangliu Formation are studied. Combined with the test results of whole rock mineral analysis and core porosity and permeability analysis, the development characteristics and main controlling factors of fractures in low-permeability sandstone reservoirs were clarified. The results show that: (1) The structural fractures account for more than 80% of fractures in the study area, of which shear fractures are mainly developed, followed by tensile fractures, and the fracture dip angle is mainly low angle and horizontal (accounting for more than 65%). Imaging logging images show that the fractures are mainly composed of parallel, reticular, conjugate and Y-shaped combinations, and some fractures are partially or fully filled by calcite and argillaceous materials. (2) The main influence factors on fracture development include stratum curvature, fracture position, rock mechanical parameters, matrix porosity and permeability, lithology, and thickness of single sandbody. Fractures are highly developed in areas with large stratum curvature, in fracture-developed areas, and in rocks with low granularity and high brittleness. Hence, the fracture development degree is negatively and exponentially correlated with single sandbody thickness, but when the single sandbody thickness is greater than 4.7 m, the correlation between the two weakens. With the increase in matrix porosity and permeability, the fracture development degree first increases and then decreases. When matrix porosity is 8%-10% and matrix permeability is (1.3-1.5) ×10-3 μm2, structural fractures are most developed. The fracture development degree is affected by rock brittleness and strain energy, which shows that with the increase of Young’s modulus of rocks, the fracture development degree first rises and then declines. (3) Since Neogene, Yinggehai Basin has undergone rapid sedimentation, with strong undercompaction in the deep layer, widely developed diapir structures, and weak strata arching together to produce unique low angle fractures in the thin sandstone layer sandwiched by thick argillaceous rocks in the Huangliu Formation.
Keywords: low-permeability sandstone; fractures; controlling factors; Huangliu Formation; Yinggehai Basin
投稿时间: 2023-02-06  