阿姆河右岸区块侏罗系盐下碳酸盐岩 油气动态成藏过程研究

作    者:白振华1,2,张良杰1,王红军1,单云鹏1,陈怀龙3,文光耀3
单    位:1 中国石油勘探开发研究院;2 中国石油国际勘探开发有限公司;3 中国(土库曼斯坦)阿姆河天然气公司
摘    要:
阿姆河右岸区块侏罗系盐下碳酸盐岩气藏类型多样,气水系统复杂,对成藏过程认识不清,使得天然气分布 预测难度大。利用构造演化分析、地球化学实验分析与盆地模拟技术,开展主力烃源岩生排烃模拟,结合典型油气藏 解剖,恢复阿姆河右岸区块盐下碳酸盐岩油气成藏的演化历史,在此基础上建立了油气运聚模式,总结了油气水分布 规律。研究表明:①阿姆河右岸区块发育中下侏罗统煤系、上侏罗统泥灰岩与泥岩3套烃源岩,原油类型有正常原 油、低成熟度凝析油和高成熟度凝析油3种。油源对比分析表明,正常原油主要来自上侏罗统泥岩,两类凝析油主要 来自中下侏罗统煤系烃源岩,具有混源特征。②阿姆河右岸区块存在早白垩世末—晚白垩世早期和晚白垩世末期— 古近纪早期共2个主要成藏期。早成藏期以中下侏罗统煤系烃源岩生成的凝析油气充注为主,混入部分上侏罗统烃 源岩生成的正常原油;晚成藏期以中下侏罗统煤系烃源岩生成的天然气充注为主。③阿姆河右岸区块具有“早油晚 气、东西分异、差异驱替、调整改造”的成藏演化特点。东部地区油气生成和运移较早,但由于圈闭形成于古近纪,定 型于新近纪,因此主要保存晚期的天然气;西部地区经历了晚白垩世油气同注、古近纪以来气驱油的演化过程,驱替 强度的差异是现今油气相态差异的主要原因。

Analysis of dynamic hydrocarbon accumulating process of Jurassic pre-salt carbonate reservoirs in the right bank block of Amu Darya River

Author's Name: BAI Zhenhua, ZHANG Liangjie, WANG Hongjun, SHAN Yunpeng, CHEN Huailong, WEN Guangyao
Amu Darya Basin (also known as Karakum Basin) with rich natural gas resources is located in Central Asia. The Jurassic pre-salt carbonate reservoirs (Callovian-Oxfordian) is the main oil and gas producing layer. There are various types of Jurassic pre-salt carbonate gas reservoirs in the right bank block of Amu Darya River, and the gas-water system is complex. The unclear understanding of the reservoir forming process makes it difficult to predict the distribution of natural gas. In recent exploration practice, the discovery of sporadically distributed small reservoirs further shows the non-uniformity of oil, gas and water distribution and the complexity of oil and gas reservoir formation and evolution in this area. Through the analysis of structural evolution and geochemical experiment analysis and by using basin simulation technology, the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion simulations of main source rocks were carried out. Combined with the anatomy of typical oil and gas reservoirs, the evolution of pre-salt carbonate oil and gas reservoirs is restored, and the oil and gas migration and accumulation patterns and the distribution of oil, gas and water are summarized, so as to provide a basis for predicting the favorable enrichment area of oil and gas and for the next exploration deployment. The result shows that: (1) Three sets of source rocks including Lower-Middle Jurassic coal measures, Upper Jurassic marlite and mudstone are developed in the right bank block of Amu Darya River, and there are three types of crude oil, including normal crude oil, low maturity condensate and high maturity condensate. The oil-sources comparative analysis shows that the normal crude oil mainly comes from the mudstone of the Upper Jurassic, and the two types of condensate mainly come from the coal measure source rocks of the Middle and Lower Jurassic, with the characteristics of mixed source. (2) There are two main reservoir forming periods in the right bank block of Amu Darya River: the end of Early Cretaceous-early Late Cretaceous and the end of Late Cretaceous-early Paleogene. The early stage is dominated by the filling of the condensate oil and gas generated by the Lower-Middle Jurassic coal measure source rocks, mixed with some normal crude oil generated by the Upper Jurassic source rocks. The late stage is dominated by the filling of natural gas generated by the Lower-Middle Jurassic coal measure source rocks. (3) The right bank block of Amu Darya River has the characteristics of reservoir formation and evolution of "early oil and late gas, east-west differentiation, differential displacement and adjustment and transformation". The generation and migration of oil and gas in the eastern region occurred earlier, but the trap was formed in Paleogene and shaped in Neogene later, so it mainly preserved late gas. The western region has experienced the filling of oil and gas in the Late Cretaceous and the evolution process of gas displacing oil since Paleogene. The difference of displacement intensity is the main reason for the difference of oil and gas phase state.
Keywords: carbonate rock; fluid inclusions; hydrocarbon accumulation period; hydrocarbon accumulating process; Ju⁃ rassic; Amu Darya Basin
投稿时间: 2023-02-07  