鹤峰地区中上二叠统海相页岩储层 非均质性特征——以HD1 井为例

作    者:姜生玲1,彭传圣2,周庆华2,张立原3,胡晓兰2,洪克岩2,朱亮亮2
单    位:1 陇东学院新能源学院;2 中国华电集团清洁能源有限公司勘探开发事业部; 3 中国石油长庆油田公司第十一采油厂
摘    要:
以鹤峰地区参数井HD1井为例,通过有机地球化学测试、全岩矿物X衍射、扫描电镜、高压压汞、等温吸附以 及现场解吸等实验分析,对湘鄂西褶冲带鹤峰地区中上二叠统孤峰组—大隆组海相页岩的非均质性展开了系统分 析。结果表明:中上二叠统孤峰组—大隆组海相页岩主要发育硅质、混合质、钙质和黏土质4类页岩岩相。受岩石相 控制,不同岩相的宏观构造裂缝线密度差异较大,且发育不同类型、不同尺度的微观孔缝结构。位于孤峰组和大隆组 下部的硅质页岩相有机碳含量高,具有较大的比表面积和总孔体积。渗透率参数指标极差、突进系数和变异系数显 示大隆组混合质页岩相和钙质页岩相的层内非均质性较弱,硅质页岩相的层内非均质性强;下窑组和孤峰组不同类 型岩相均表现出较强的层内非均质性特征。孤峰组—大隆组页岩生气能力和储集能力的非均质性致使不同类型岩 相含气性亦具有较强的非均质性。总体上,有机碳含量高,脆性矿物、宏观裂缝、微观有机孔及矿物内部微裂隙较发 育,储集物性好、解吸气含量高的层段均位于孤峰组和大隆组下部的硅质页岩相。

The heterogeneity characteristics of marine shale reservoirs of Middle-Upper Permian in Hefeng area: a case study of the Well HD1

Author's Name: JIANG Shengling1, PENG Chuansheng2, ZHOU Qinghua2, ZHANG Liyuan3, HU Xiaolan2, HONG Keyan2, ZHU Liangliang2
Permian marine shale is widely distributed in Hefeng area, western Hunan-Hubei fold belt. It is rich in organic matter and is a set of high-quality source rock. Compared with the shale gas of Niutitang Formation and Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation, the research degree of marine shale gas of Middle-Upper Permian is relatively low. Survey well HD1 reveals the reservoir characteristics of the Gufeng-Dalong shale of Middle-Upper Permian and its gasbearing properties in the core of Chenjiawan anticline, Hefeng area. So taking the Well HD1 as the research target, analysis of organic geochemistry and data of X-ray diffraction whole rock mineral, SEM, high pressure mercury intrusion, isothermal adsorption and on-site experimental permit to characterize the marine shale heterogeneity of Gufeng Formation-Dalong Formation in Middle-Upper Permian in Hefeng area. The results show that four types of lithofacies are developed in Gufeng-Dalong marine shale as siliceous shale facies, mixed shale facies, calcareous shale facies and clay shale facies. Controlled by lithofacies, the linear density of fracture diversities among different lithofacies, and the micro pore-fracture structures of different types and scales are developed. Siliceous shale in the lower part of Dalong Formation and Gufeng Formation has high organic carbon content, large specific surface area and total pore volume. The differential, onrush and variation coefficient of permeability show that the heterogeneity of mixed and calcareous lithofacies in Dalong Formation is weak, while that of siliceous lithofacies is strong. Different types of lithofacies in Xiayao Formation and Gufeng Formation show strong heterogeneity. The heterogeneity of gas generation capacity and reservoir capacity result in the gas content having the characteristics of strong heterogeneity in different lithofacies. In general, the shale layers with high organic carbon content, relatively well developed brittle minerals, natural macro fractures, micro organic pores and micro fractures in minerals, with good reservoir physical properties and high gas content are all siliceous shale facies, and located in the bottom part of Dalong Formation and Gufeng Formation.
Keywords: marine shale; lithofacies; heterogeneity ; Well HD1; Middle-Upper Permian; Hefeng area
投稿时间: 2024-04-07  