
作    者:王幸蒙1,熊亮2,赵勇1,姜振学3,史洪亮2,董晓霞1
单    位:1 中国石化西南油气分公司勘探开发研究院;2 中国石化西南油气分公司; 3 中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院
摘    要:
以川东南地区龙马溪组页岩为例,开展常规核磁共振(NMR)及核磁共振冻融(NMRC)实验,对页岩储层孔 隙结构进行表征。研究表明:①页岩发育有机质孔、粒内孔、粒间孔及微裂缝等4种孔隙类型;孔隙的孔径分布范围 广,主要集中在1~100 nm之间,储集空间以中孔为主,所占比例为76.2%,其次为宏孔,占比21.9%,微孔的贡献最小, 仅占2.0%。②核磁共振冻融法揭示的孔径分布特征更加准确,尤其对2~100 nm范围的孔隙孔径刻画更加精细,对 非均质性强的页岩储层孔隙表征更有优势。③核磁共振技术表征储层孔径分布时会受多种因素的影响,例如层理的 发育程度、饱和流体的性质会对常规核磁共振实验产生影响,进而影响孔径分布表征结果;核磁共振冻融法孔径分布 的表征受到探针液体KGT取值、实验样品制样大小的影响,需要合理标定探针液体KGT值以及选取合适的样品大小才 能获得可靠的实验表征结果。

Quantitative characterization of shale pore structure based on nuclear magnetic resonance

Author's Name: WANG Xingmeng1, XIONG Liang2, ZHAO Yong1, JIANG Zhenxue3, SHI Hongliang2, DONG Xiaoxia1
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry (NMRC) experiments are carried out to quantitatively characterize the pore structure of shale gas reservoirs of Longmaxi Formation in southeast Sichuan Basin. The results show that: (1) Four types of pore are developed in the shale of the study area: organic matter pores, intra-granular pores, intergranular pores and micro-fractures. The pore size distribution of the shale is widely distributed, and the pore size is mainly between 1 and 100 nm. The reservoir space is dominated by mesopores, accounting for 76.2%, followed by macropores, accounting for 21.9%, and micropores contribute the least, accounting for only 2.0%. (2) The pore size distribution characteristics revealed by NMRC are more accurate, especially for the pore characterization in the range of 2-100 nm, which is more advantageous for the pore characterization of shale reservoirs with strong heterogeneity. (3) NMR characterization of reservoir pore size distribution is affected by many factors. The development of shale lamellation and the properties of saturated fluid will affect the NMR experiment, and then affect the characterization results of pore size distribution. The characterization of pore size distribution by NMRC method is affected by the KGT value of probe liquid and the size of the sample. It is necessary to calibrate the KGT value of probe liquid reasonably and select a suitable sample size to obtain reliable characterization results. The research results have reference and guiding significance for pore structure characterization of shale reservoir.
Keywords: shale; pore structure; nuclear magnetic resonance; nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry; Longmaxi Formation; Sichuan Basin
投稿时间: 2024-07-09  