中国石油深层-超深层碎屑岩油气 勘探进展与潜力

作    者:宋涛1,郑民2,黄福喜1,欧阳婧琳1,李明鹏1,曾繁迪1,范晶晶1,刘超1,刘航宇1
单    位:1 中国石油勘探开发研究院;2中国石油油气和新能源分公司
摘    要:
近期中国石油天然气股份有限公司在深层-超深层碎屑岩勘探领域不断获得多项重大油气发现并落实一批 规模储量,展现出该领域巨大的勘探潜力。基于勘探进展与取得的地质认识,结合我国陆上含油气盆地的特点,将深 层-超深层碎屑岩领域划分为前陆盆地、断陷盆地和坳陷盆地3种类型,揭示了深层具有有效烃源岩规模分布、富油 更富气,以及4种成储机制控制深层优质储层发育,深层成藏要素配置关系好等特征。结合深层碎屑岩的基础地质 认识、生烃及资源潜力认识、有效储层分布规律和控藏因素等新认识优选有利区带,提出未来四大攻关方向,并基于 剩余资源分布特点和勘探认识,优选3类盆地的深层-超深层碎屑岩领域的十大重点区带作为下一步重点勘探目标。

Exploration progress and potential of oil and gas in deep-ultradeep clastic rocks of PetroChina

Author's Name: SONG Tao1, ZHENG Min2, HUANG Fuxi1, OUYANG Jinglin1, LI Mingpeng1, ZENG Fandi1, FAN Jingjing1, LIU Chao1, LIU Hangyu1
The PetroChina has continuously made a number of major oil and gas discoveries and implemented a number of large-scale reserves in the field of deep-ultradeep clastic rocks, demonstrating the huge exploration potential in this field. Based on the exploration progress and geological cognition obtained, combined with the characteristics of onshore oil and gas basins in China, the deep-ultradeep clastic rock domain could be divided into three types: foreland basin, graben basin and depression basin, and the scale distribution of deep effective source rocks and the characteristics of riching in oil especially gas are revealed. The new recognitions that four formation mechanisms control the development of deep high-quality clastic reservoirs and deep reservoir-forming factors are well configured are also proposed from the research. Combining the basic geological understanding of deep clastic rocks, source rock and resource potential, effective reservoir distribution and reservoir-controlling factors of deep clastic rocks, four major directions for future research are proposed: (1)Strengthen research on deep geological structure, sedimentary filling and tectonic evolution, determine favorable reservoir combination and their plane distribution. (2)Strengthen the evaluation of main hydrocarbon source rock distribution, and objectively estimate the deep resource potential, then determine the favorable resource enrichment area. (3)Strengthen researches on the formation, preservation mechanism and distribution law of different types of reservoirs, and implement the vertical layer distribution and plane distribution of large-scale effective reservoirs. (4) Strengthen analysis of the control factors, preservation mechanism, and trap evaluation of oil and gas reservoirs, implement favorable zones from priority areas, and determine drilling targets. Based on the distribution characteristics of the remaining resources and exploration understanding, ten zones in the deep-ultradeep clastic rock field of the three types of basins are selected as the next key exploration targets. The estimated resource potential is nearly 3 billion tons of oil and over 7 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.
Keywords: deep-ultradeep layer; clastic rocks; key fields; key plays; oil-gas exploration; PetroChina
投稿时间: 2024-10-08  