
作    者:余金秋,孙夕平,于永才,李 璇,李晓明,徐光成
单    位:中国石油勘探开发研究院
摘    要:
通过调研国内外地层压力预测技术的相关文献以及专利著作,分析深层压力预测存在的挑战和难题,总结 深层压力预测技术的研究新进展和存在的问题,并对未来研究方向进行了展望。适用于中浅层的经典压力预测理论 和算法已经很完善,但对深层压力研究不适用,难以预测深层压力变化特征。基于多孔弹性理论、岩石物理模型、构 造增压等方法和理论的研究推进了深层压力预测技术的进展,但受地质条件复杂、工程难度大、超压成因机制复杂和 预测算法缺乏等多方面的限制,深层压力预测仍然面临很大的挑战和难题。深层超压与构造、断裂的压力传递、生烃 膨胀和盖层封闭等非欠压实机制有关,并常以多种成因共存为特点,不同的超压机制会造成压力系统的变化。从超 压成因机制出发,结合实际问题改进经典公式和模型,可以使预测模型更具适应性。适应复杂岩性、多种超压机制、 横向压力分布特征的深层压力地震预测技术是未来研究的主攻方向。

Research progress on deep formation pressure prediction technology

Author's Name: YU Jinqiu, SUN Xiping, YU Yongcai, LI Xuan, LI Xiaoming, XU Guangcheng
The performance characteristics and the accurate prediction methods of overpressure in deep strata has become a hot topic in oil and gas exploration and development. Based on a lot of relevant literature and patent works of formation pressure prediction technology at home and abroad, the paper summarizes the challenges and problems in deep formation pressure prediction, the new progress and shortcomings of deep formation pressure prediction technologies, and the future research directions. The main understandings are as follows: (1) The classical pressure prediction theories and algorithms effectively applicable to the shallow and middle strata can not be directly applied to the study of more complexive deep formation pressure. (2) Due to the complex geological conditions, engineering difficulties, complex overpressure genetic mechanism, and the lack of prediction algorithm in deep strata, there is still great challenges and problems although the research based on porous elastic theory, petrophysical model, and tectonic pressurization has promoted the progress of deep pressure prediction. (3) Different from the common overpressure causued by undercompaction, the overpressure in deep strata is offen related to non-undercompacted mechanisms such as pressure transfer of structure and fault, hydrocarbon generation, and caprock sealing, which is often characterized by the coexistence of multiple mechanisms in the same areas and the various changes among different pressure systems. In order to accurately predict the deep overpressure, the more adaptable models are needed including the improved classical methods and formulas facing to the actual problems by analyzing the main and secondary overpressure mechanism. The seismic prediction technologies for the deep formation pressure that adapt to the complex lithology, the coexistence of multiple overpressure mechanisms and the variation of lateral pressure distributions, is the main research direction in the future.
Keywords: deep formation; formation pressure; overpressure mechanism; non-undercompaction; pressure prediction technology
投稿时间: 2025-01-02  