鄂尔多斯盆地寒武纪—奥陶纪构造-岩相古地理 及其控源控储效应

作    者:吴东旭1,2,3,范立勇4,李维岭1,钟建伟5,张 雷4,师平平4,朱文博1,鲁慧丽1,吴兴宁1
单    位:1 中国石油杭州地质研究院;2 国家能源碳酸盐岩油气重点实验室;3 中国石油集团碳酸盐岩储层重点实验室; 4 中国石油长庆油田公司勘探开发研究院;5 中国石油长庆油田页岩油开发分公司
摘    要:
鄂尔多斯盆地的海相油气勘探对象从早期的奥陶系马家沟组风化壳储层逐渐转变为不整合面以下的内幕 碳酸盐岩储层。然而,盆地深层的寒武系和奥陶系研究程度相对较低,源储盖整体特征及配置关系不清。基于最新 的钻井和地震资料,开展野外剖面踏勘、化验分析、岩心和薄片观察等基础地质工作,编制寒武纪—奥陶纪构造-岩相 古地理图、烃源岩和有利沉积相带分布图,明确了寒武系—奥陶系的源储盖发育特征和配置关系:鄂尔多斯盆地寒武 纪具有台内发育继承性隆起、台缘发育继承性裂陷的构造格局。受盆地西南部、东北部裂陷控制,中下寒武统烃源岩 主要发育在海槽和海湾内;受乌审旗古隆起和庆阳古隆起控制,颗粒滩和风化壳储层主要发育在古隆起周缘和台缘 带。奥陶纪具有台内多隆多坳的沉积格局,沉积古地貌和海平面变化共同控制了沉积相的纵横向差异分布。2个台 内洼地控制了海相烃源岩的展布,3个台内隆起带控制了颗粒滩和膏云坪等有利微相的展布。寒武纪台缘裂陷型和 奥陶纪台内坳陷型构造-沉积模式控制了烃源岩和储层的发育,并形成了3套优良的源储盖组合。寒武系—奥陶系 具有较大的天然气成藏潜力,是鄂尔多斯盆地未来风险勘探的重要领域。

Evolution and controlling effects on source rock and reservoir of tectonicslithofacies paleogeography of Cambrian-Ordovician in the Ordos Basin

Author's Name: WU Dongxu1,2,3, FAN Liyong4, LI Weiling1, ZHONG Jianwei5, ZAHNG Lei4, SHI Pingping4, ZHU Wenbo1, LU Huili1, WU Xingning1
The exploration targets for marine oil and gas in the Ordos Basin have gradually shifted from the early weathering crust reservoirs of the Majiagou Formation to the inner carbonate reservoirs below the unconformity at the top of Ordovician. However, the research level of deep Cambrian and Ordovician in the basin is relatively low, and the overall characteristics and configuration relationship of the source, reservoir, and cap rock are unclear. Based on the latest drilling and seismic data, combined with basic geological work such as field outcrop investigation, laboratory analysis, core and thin section observation, the author has compiled a series of maps of tectonics-lithofacies paleogeography, maps of hydrocarbon source rocks and favorable sedimentary facies zones, to clarify the development characteristics and configuration relationship of source, reservoir, and cap rocks of the Cambrian-Ordovician. The Cambrian system in the Ordos Basin has a structural pattern of inherited uplifts developing within the platform and inherited rifts developing at the platform edge. The southwestern and northeastern rifts of the basin control the development of Middle and Lower Cambrian source rocks mainly in the sea troughs and bays, while the Wushenqi and Qingyang ancient uplifts control the development of granular shoals and weathered crust reservoirs mainly in the periphery and platform edge zones of the ancient uplifts. The Ordovician has a sedimentary pattern of multiple uplifts and depressions developing within the platform, and the differential distribution of sedimentary facies is jointly controlled by sedimentary paleogeomorphology and sea level changes. The three uplift zones within the platform control the distribution of favorable microfacies such as granular shoal and gypsum dolomite tidal flat, while the two depression zones within the platform control the distribution of marine source rocks. Tectonic-sedimentary models of the platform margin rift in Cambrian and the platform inner depression in Ordovician control the development of source rocks and reservoirs, and form three sets of excellent sourcestorage-cap combinations, which have great potential for natural gas accumulation and are important areas for future risk exploration in the Ordos Basin.
Keywords: paleogeography; source rock; granular shoal; reservoir; Ordovician; Cambrian; Ordos Basin
投稿时间: 2025-01-02  