四川LG 地区长兴组、飞仙关组储层及裂缝特征

作    者:宋京京,张春生,李向峰
单    位:长江大学油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室
摘    要:
以储层精细对比为基础,结合地质、地球物理、岩心分析及薄片鉴定等技术,对LG 地区目的层段开展储层及裂缝发育特征研究。上二叠统长兴组储层孔隙可划分为LGⅠ型(台地边缘)和LGⅡ型(台地内部)两类,前者主要为粒间和晶间溶孔,后者主要为体腔孔和格架孔;下三叠统飞仙关组储层孔隙主要为粒间(内)溶孔、晶间溶孔及铸模孔。两套储层的储集类型均属于裂缝-孔隙型,但裂缝或有效裂缝的发育差异显著,长兴组的有效裂缝数量为飞仙关组的2~5 倍,长兴组的裂缝和孔洞对储层的贡献也要大得多。长兴组储层在各井中的平均厚度和有效厚度分别为24.62m和13.98m,发育规模较小,连续性较差;飞仙关组储层的平均厚度和有效厚度分别为39.15m和26.96m,在LG地区中部连续性较好。
关键词:储层类型;储集空间;裂缝类型;长兴组;飞仙关组;LG 地区;四川盆地

Characteristics of Changxing and Feixianguan Reservoirs and Fractures in LG Area, Sichuan Basin

Author's Name: Song Jingjing,Zhang Chunsheng,Li Xiangfeng
Institution: Geoscience Faculty of Yangtze University
The Upper Permian Changxing and Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formaions are good reservoirs in LG area,Sichuan Basin. The Changxing reservoir comprises two types of pores, Type LG-Ⅰ( in the platform margin) and Type LG-Ⅱ(in the inner platform). The former commonly is intergranular and intercrystalline dissolved pores and the latter mainly is visceral foramen and case wearing pores. The Feixianguan reservoir comprises intergranular/innergranular pores, intercrystalline dissolved pores and moldic pores. These reservoirs are all of rich fractures and or pores but the development of fractures or effective fractures is observably differential between the both, which means that the number of effective fractures in Changxing Formation is 2 to 5 times as high as that in Feixianguan Formation and the Changxing contributes much more fractures,cracks and pores than the Feixianguan. Changxing Formation is 24.62 m thick in average and develops in a limited scale and exhibits poor continuity while Feixianguan Formation is 39.15 m thick in average and does better continuity in the central LG area.
Keywords: Reservoir type;Reservoir feature; Upper Permian; Lower Triassic; Sichuan Basin
投稿时间: 2010-12-06  