
作    者:郑剑锋,沈安江,潘文庆,郑兴平,刘永福
单    位:中国石油杭州地质研究院
摘    要:

Key Controlling Factors and Identification Characteristics of Lower Paleozoic Hydrothermal Dolostone Reservoirs in Tarim Basin

Author's Name: Zheng Jianfeng, Shen Anjiang, Pan Wenqing, Zheng Xingping, Liu Yongfu
Institution: PetroChina Hangzhou Institute of Geology
Many evidences of hydrothermal actions exist in lower Paleozoic rocks in Tarim Basin and so many hydrothermal dolostone reservoirs develop. The research on hydrothermal dolostone reservoirs indicates that this type of reservoirs can not be widely distributed in scale while otherwise the hydrothermal actions just repeatedly reformed the reservoirs that formed before. Due to hydrothermal actions infective widely in the basin, this reformation can be considerable. The analysis of lots of data from cores,thin sections and outcrops has shown that the limestone and dolostone with definite porosity and permeability supply the material base for developing hydrothermal dolostone reservoirs and high-angle thrusts supply the migration pathways so it is concluded that the hydrothermal dissolution and hydrothermal dolomitization are the key controlling factors. These hydrothermal reservoirs can be identified from the other reservoirs by many particular identifiable indications in petrology and geochemistry beside in log response and seismic response.
Keywords: Lower Palaeozoic;Hydrothermal process;Dolostone reservoir;Reservoir characteristics;Controlling factor;Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2011-05-31  