
作    者:孙秋分,蒋新,刘展,谢锦龙,孟海燕,徐良,王柏力
单    位:中国石油杭州地质研究院
摘    要:
通过研究和对比SEC 新准则下的类比油气藏及SPE PRMS(油气资源管理系统)中的类比内容,结合国内油气藏类型与特征,提供了类比油气藏的建立原则和具体步骤方法以及建立类比油藏与类比气藏实例。对油气藏地质特性、流体特性、岩石物性、工程特性、经济参数等进行综合研究,优选出类比油藏37 个参数,类比气藏34 个参数,可供定量分析与定性分析以及辅助目标油气藏采收率的研究。提出以油气藏类型与开发阶段为基础的类比序列概念,为在证券交易所上市的石油公司作储量评估,特别是为扩边新发现的证实未开发储量采收率的确定,提供了一种SEC认可的方法。。
关键词:油气储量评估;油气藏类比;评估准则;SEC 准则;评估方法

Establishment of Analogous Oil and Gas Reservoirs in the New SEC Rule

Author's Name: Sun Qiufen, Jiang Xin, Liu Zhan, Xie Jinlong, Meng Haiyan, Xu Liang, Wang Baili
Institution: PetroChina Hangzhou Institute of Geology
The analogical data of the analogous oil and gas reservoirs by the new rule of SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S.A.) are compared with those by PRMS (Petroleum Resources Management System, SPE). In the term of the classification and characteristics of oil and gas reservoirs in China, the establishment principle and reifying steps are proposed, for which some method cases of analogous oil reservoirs and gas reservoirs are given. On the basis of in tegrated analysis of geology characteristics, fluid feature, rock property, engineering attribution and economical parame ters, 37 parameters for analogous oil reservoirs and 34 parameters for analogous gas reservoirs are selected, which can be used in quantitative and qualitative analysis and can effectively assist the estimation of reservoir recovery rate. A concept of "Analogical reservoir sequence" is proposed on the basis of classification and development period of analogous reservoirs, which can supply a new technical method accepted by SEC for the public assessment of oil and gas reserves in stock exchanges, particularly in the determination of recovery rate of undeveloped reserves.
Keywords: Estimation of oil and gas reserves; SEC Rules; Estimation rule; Estimation method; Reservoir Analog
投稿时间: 2011-03-18  