
作    者:马庆佑1,吕海涛1,蒋华山1,李晓益2
单    位:1中国石化西北油田分公司勘探开发研究院;2 中国石化石油工程技术研究院
摘    要:

A Division Program of Structural Units in the Paleozoic Platform-basin Region, Tarim Basin

Author's Name: Ma Qingyou, Lü Haitao, Jiang Huashan, Li Xiaoyi
Institution: Exploration and Production Research Institute of SINOPEC Northwest Oilfield Branch Company
How to divide structural units of the Paleozoic platform-basin region in Tarim basin is significant to researching sedimentary and structural evolutions and guiding petroleum exploration in it. Based on the analysis of some previous division programs that have been used, relative geological research reports and available seismic profiles, and referring to the latest achievements on the structural mapping of the whole basin, a propagable division program of structural units in the platform-basin region is proposed. According to the division concept of structure boundaries and the nomenclature in this program, this platform-basin region are divided into 10 Grade -Ⅰ structural units, among which 4 Grade -Ⅰ units are further subdivided into 16 Grade -Ⅱ units. In comparison with previous division programs, Markit Slope is ranked from the Grade-Ⅱ up to the Grade -Ⅰ and a number of structural boundaries of Grade -Ⅰunits and corresponding Grade -Ⅱ units are micro-corrected. Some Grade -Ⅱunits of gentle slopes are also re-divided.
Keywords: Regional structural map; Geology mapping; Division of structural unit; Division basis; The platform-basin region; Tarim Basin
投稿时间: 2014-01-15  