
作    者:袁晓宇1,胡烨2,刘光祥2,陈迎宾2,王彦青2,吴小奇2
单    位:1 常州工学院;2中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所
摘    要:
油气勘探实践表明,盆地中的古隆起对油气田的形成与分布起着十分重要的作用。结合钻探成果和地震资 料,对川西坳陷印支期古隆起的成因开展了研究。分析表明:印支早期不仅在川西坳陷内部和龙门山前发育了北东 走向的古隆起,而且在川西坳陷内部还发育了东西走向的古隆起。初步认为印支期古特提斯洋关闭是川西印支期古 隆起发育的动力来源,川西坳陷内部北东向古隆起的形成与江南—雪峰山南东-北西向的逆冲推覆挤压作用有关,东 西向古隆起的形成与扬子板块同华北板块沿勉略缝合带南北向的强烈碰撞挤压有关。

A preliminary research on the genesis of Indosinian palaeo-uplift in the Western Sichuan Depression

Author's Name: YUAN Xiaoyu, HU Ye, LIU Guangxiang,CHEN Yingbin, WANG Yanqing,WU Xiaoqi
Institution: Changzhou Institute of Technology
The practice of oil and gas exploration shows that the palaeo-uplift in the basin plays an important role in the development and distribution of oil and gas fields. Based on the drilling data and seismic data, the genesis of the Indosinian palaeo-uplift in the Western Sichuan Depression was researched. It is shown that the western Sichuan region not only developed NE trending paleo-uplift in front of Longmen Mountain in the early Indosinian period, but also developed EW trending paleo-uplift in the Western Sichuan Depression. It is tentatively concluded that the closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during the Indosinian period is the driving force for development of the paleo-uplift in Western Sichuan Depression. The formation of the NE trending paleo-uplift is related to the SE-NW trending thrust-nappe compression of the Jiangnan-Xuefengshan paleo-uplift belt, and the formation of EW trending paleo-uplift is related to the SN trending strong compression of the Yangtz Plate and the North China Plate along the Mianlue suture belt.
Keywords: palaeo-uplift; Indosinian; genesis; Western Sichuan Depression
投稿时间: 2018-04-08  