利用铝钒含量识别碎屑岩有利储层的 新技术及其应用 ——以莺琼盆地DX、BX区为例

作    者:吕俏凤1, 钟家良1, 唐 建1, 吴土荣1, 安东岭2, 曹孟贤3, 高云龙1, 何登连1, 秦圆明1, 王 锋1
单    位:1 中海石油能源发展工程技术分公司实验中心(湛江); 2 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司; 3 深圳市亿能杰石油设备有限公司
摘    要:
关键词:铝含量; 钒含量; 碎屑岩; 储层预测; 莺歌海盆地; 琼东南盆地

Identification of favorable reservoir by using the element contents of Al and V in clastic rocks : taking DX and BX blocks of Yinggehai Basin and Qiongdongnan Basin as examples

Author's Name: LüQiaofeng, ZHONG Jialiang, TANG Jian, WU Turong, AN Dongling, CAO Mengxian, GAO Yunlong, HE Denglian, QIN Yuanming, WANG Feng
Institution: Experimental Center of CNOOC Energy Development Engineering Technology Branch (Zhanjiang)
In the four basins of the western South China Sea, there is a general relationship between reservoir quality and the contents of Al and V in clastic rock, that is the lower the contents of Al and V, the better of the reservoir quality. Further study shows that the contents of Al and V is not affected by radioactivity, and there is a positive correlation between them. Thus we can identify favorable reservoirs with lower mud content through looking for areas of the lower contents of Al and V. Based on the content crossplot of Al and V and logging lithology, the favorable reservoir zone, transition zone and undeveloped reservoir zone can be defined, and the lower or upper limit values of each zone can be demarcated quantitatively. The distribution areas of favorable reservoir zone, transitional zone and undeveloped reservoir zone can be identified by the plane distribution of the contents of Al and V. When using this technology to identify the favorable reservoir, the first step is to identify the dense reservoir by using the content of calcium element. This technology is widely used in DX, BX and other blocks of Yinggehai Basin and Qiongdongnan Basin. The favorable reservoir distribution area predicted before drilling is basically consistent with the actual drilling results. This technology is a good supplement to the method of using sedimentary facies to interpret favorable clastic reservoir and argillaceous rock cap, and also a powerful means of logging interpretation for high gamma sandstone affected by radioactivity. The technology also offer a new practical geophysical means to predict favorable reservoir and shale cover or interlayer, which applies the content curve of Al and V changing with depth and the lower or upper limit value of each reservoir zone to perform frequency division seismic inversion.
Keywords: the content of Al; the content of V; clastic rock; reservoir prediction; Yinggehai Basin; Qiongdongnan Basin
投稿时间: 2018-02-28  