贵州六盘水地区石炭系打屋坝组页岩岩相特征 及其对孔隙结构的影响

作    者:陈相霖1,2,苑 坤1, 覃英伦3, 林 拓1, 金春爽1, 潘卫红1, 郭 军4, 曹沈厅2
单    位:1 中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心;2 中国地质大学(武汉); 3 广西广投能源集团有限公司;4 湖南省煤炭地质勘查院
摘    要:
以贵州六盘水地区QSD1井下石炭统打屋坝组为研究对象,通过薄片观察、全岩X射线衍射、场发射扫描电 镜、低温氮气吸附实验、二氧化碳吸附实验和有机地球化学分析等实验方法,对不同类型页岩岩相进行多尺度观察和 分析,梳理岩相类型与微观孔隙结构之间的关系,探讨不同岩相类型页岩微观孔隙结构的主要影响因素。分析结果 表明:①六盘水地区打屋坝组页岩岩相类型主要包括灰质页岩相、混合灰质页岩相和含黏土灰质页岩相,其中含黏土 灰质页岩相为最有利岩相。②页岩孔隙可分为有机质孔、无机矿物孔和微裂缝等 3种孔隙类型,含黏土灰质页岩相 中发育的有机质孔与黏土矿物层间孔形成的复合孔隙最有利于页岩气赋存。③页岩孔隙直径为6.27~10.91 nm,平均 值为8.41 nm;页岩孔隙体积为(10.04~24.26)×10-3 mL/g,平均值为17.93×10-3 mL/g;页岩比表面积为5.20~17.61 m2 /g, 平均值为12.17 m2 /g。含黏土灰质页岩相的平均孔隙体积和比表面积最大,其次为混合灰质页岩相,灰质页岩相的最 小。④有机碳含量和黏土矿物含量是影响页岩微观孔隙特征的最主要因素,碳酸盐矿物含量次之;有机碳和黏土矿 物对页岩储层孔隙发育具有积极作用,碳酸盐矿物对页岩孔隙发育起到了抑制作用。

Shale lithofacies characteristics and its influence on pore structure of the Carboniferous Dawuba Formation in Liupanshui area, Guizhou Province

Author's Name: CHEN Xianglin, YUAN Kun, QIN Yinglun, LIN Tuo, JIN Chunshuang, PAN Weihong, GUO Jun, CAO Shenting
In order to reveal the shale facies characteristics of Dawuba Formation of Lower Carboniferous in Liupanshui area and its influence on the shale micro-pore structure, a series of experimental testing techniques and methods have been used, including thin section observation, whole rock X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, cryogenic nitrogen adsorption experiment, carbon dioxide adsorption experiment and organic geochemical analysis. In the process of analysis, different types of shale lithofacies were observed and analyzed at multiple scales, the relationship between lithofacies type and micro-pore structure was analyzed and the main influencing factors of micro-pore structure of different lithofacies types of shale were discussed. The results show that: (1) The shale facies types of Dawuba Formation in Liupanshui area mainly include calcareous shale lithofacies, argillaceous/ siliceous mixed calcareous shale lithofacies and argillaceous-rich calcareous shale lithofacies. The argillaceous-rich calcareous shale lithofacies is most favorable lithofacies among them. (2) Shale pores are composed of organic pores, inorganic pores and micro-fractures. The combination of organic pores and clay mineral interlayer pores in the argillaceous-rich calcareous shale lithofacoes is beneficial to shale gas enrichment. (3) The pore diameter of shale is 6.27-10.91 nm, with an average of 8.41 nm; the pore volume of shale is (10.04-24.26)×10-3 mL/g, with an average of 17.93×10-3 mL/g; the specific surface area of shale is 5.20-17.61 m2 /g, with an average of 12.17 m2 /g.The average pore volume and specific surface area of argillaceous-rich calcareous shale lithofacoes are the highest, followed by argillaceous / siliceous mixed calcareous shale lithofacies and calcareous shale lithofacies. (4) Organic carbon content and clay mineral content are the main factors affecting the micro pore characteristics of shale, followed by carbonate mineral content. Organic carbon and clay minerals play a positive role in the pore development of shale , and carbonate minerals inhibit the pore development of shale.
Keywords: shale gas; lithofacies type; pore structure; Dawuba Formation; Carboniferous; Liupanshui area
投稿时间: 2020-08-03  