东非鲁伍马盆地下始新统深水沉积 储层特征及沉积演化

作    者:曹全斌1,2,鲁银涛1,陈宇航2,3,王瑞峰4,曹旭文5,马宏霞1,庞旭1
单    位:1 中国石油杭州地质研究院;2 中国科学院海洋地质与环境重点实验室;3 西安石油大学; 4 中国石油勘探开发研究院;5 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所
摘    要:
针对东非鲁伍马盆地深水沉积体系演化的复杂性,基于地震资料和钻井资料等资料,对古近系下始新统深 水沉积特征及深水沉积体系演化期次进行分析研究。结果表明: 下始新统深水沉积体系发育碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩两 种岩石类型,天然气主要分布在泥质含量低、颗粒分选程度高的富砂岩相中;储层成岩作用不强,孔隙类型以原生粒间 孔为主;岩相和岩石结构成熟度是影响储层质量的主要因素。下始新统深水沉积体系可以进一步细分为5期沉积。 受重力流和底流共同作用,深水沉积体系总体表现为由北向南迁移的特点,主要为水道沉积,晚期受海底底形影响演 化为朵体沉积。认为研究区内4口天然气发现井的储层属于3个不同期次的深水沉积砂体,气藏评价需考虑3个气 藏砂体之间的连通性。

Reservoir characteristics and sedimentary evolution of deep water deposition of lower Eocene in Rovuma Basin, East Africa

Author's Name: CAO Quanbin, LU Yintao, CHEN Yuhang, WANG Ruifeng, CAO Xuwen, MA Hongxia, PANG Xu
In view of the complexity of the evolution of deep-water sedimentary system in Rovuma Basin, East Africa, based on seismic data and drilling data, the sedimentary characteristics and its evolutionary stages of the Paleogene lower Eocene deep-water sedimentary system are analyzed and studied. The results show that two rock types, i.e. clastic rocks and carbonate rocks, are developed in the target layer. Clastic rocks are divided into two types of lithofacies: sand-rich and mud - rich, and the natural gas was found in the sand-rich facies with low argillaceous content and high degree of particle sorting. The diagenesis of the reservoir is not strong, and the pore type is mainly primary intergranular pore. The lithofacies and rock texture maturity are the main factors affecting the quality of the reservoir. The lower Eocene deepwater sedimentary system can be further subdivided into five depositional stages( A, B, C, D, and E). Carbonate clastic flow depositions are developed at stage A , and clastic rocks are developed at stage B-E. The reservoir of stage B is tight because of high content of carbonate rock clasts, and the reservoir quality of stages C, D and E is good. Influenced by the interaction between gravity flows and bottom currents, the sedimentary system is characterized by migration from north to south and evolved from channels to lobes in the late stage when the channels are the main type of sedimentary structural unit. The reservoirs of four natural gas discovery wells in the study area belong to deep-water sedimentary sand bodies of three different stages, and the connectivity between the three sand bodies should be considered in gas reservoir evaluation. Development well locations should be rationally deployed to ensure full development of the gas reservoir.
Keywords: deep-water deposition; sedimentary evolution; sedimentary model; Rovuma Basin; East Africa
投稿时间: 2023-02-06  